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#LackLuster #Cops #Police
Those who govern ONLY do so at the Consent of those who they govern. We the People DO NOT CONSENT. If you consent to the "state", you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state". All Beings not just humans Beings, All Beings. When we come into creation we do so with Absolute Individual Autonomous Freedom, Absolute. Humans, for reasons unbeknownst to me, are persistent in taking that Absolute Freedom and giving it up in exchange for the "safeties and securities" provided via law&order through our subjugation to third party arbiters and/or arbitrating systems. If you have "freedoms" or "rights" you are not Free. You are subjugated. Subjugation is consensual slavery. Consensual slavery IS STILL SLAVERY. It is Far better to Live&Die standing Free on our own two feet, than it is to Live&Die subjugated on our knees Slaves to society. We the People OF THE WORLD,not just one courty or nation, THE WORLD, Do Not consent to ANY of the forms and systems of governance that are currently available to We The People on the world stage. ALWAYS RUN, ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES. It is not civil wars, it is not revolutionary wars, it is not protesting or rioting, No not those. It is Simple Civil Disobedience that Topples Empires. Simply Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be, and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS from these people "of the state" when they escalate to physical engagement in an attempted to enforce that false authority. They can not Murder all of us. We NEED to water our own grass and plant trees for our children and children's children to have shade. Freedom is an ABSOLUTE. Freedom Is Dangerous. Freedom Is a Threat. Freedom Is Not Safe. There is NO amount of safety and/or securities worth ANY living Being alive giving up our Absolute Freedom for. We literally live in a "Comply or Die" societal structuring. That. Is. Unacceptable. Never Comply, ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
The coming decades will be strife with mass Civil Unrest as We The People Fight Back Defending Ourselves from the systems and forms of governance that We The People do NOT consent to. A new Dawn of man has begun to rise, and the sun's light will reach across horizons
ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!! This will NEVER END by doing what they WANT US TO DO going to court accepting payoffs via court rulings/settlements of our OWN TAX PAYER MONEY in exchange for allowing over and over generation after generation literally DECADE AFTER FUCKING DECADE of the same bad behavior. This ONLY ENDS when We The People fight back DEFENDING OURSELVES! Those who govern ONLY do so at the CONSENT of those whom they govern. We The People, not of one country or nation, We The People of the World, DO NOT CONSENT to any of the systems and forms of governance currently available to We The People on the world stage. If you consent you ARE NOT of the people, you are of the "state".
Civil Disobedience is what topples empires. Not protesting, not rioting. Not civil wars, not revolutionary war. Simple Civil Disobedience. Ignore the falsely claimed authority of the powers at be and DEFEND OURSELVES UNTIL OUR LAST BREATHS when these "people of the state" passive aggressively escalate to physical engagement in attempts to enforce that false authority. ALWAYS RUN ALWAYS DEFEND OURSELVES!
Handcuffs were only meant for unruly or dangerous criminals.
Oath breakers need to lose there hands
Are those two still terrorizing the public?
Ignorant and big headed idiots
Does not deserve a penny let alone 10m. If he was in that much pain he wouldn't have been able to get himself in the vehicle and move around like that.
The blue gang matters
Just so all of you boot lickers in the comments know – he was falsely arrested as the Police entered his residence and then after he asked them to leave, they refused and arrested him because he told them to leave his home. They were there for a wellness check, meaning they were there to see if he was going to off himself and instead of trying to help him out, they escalated the situation and arrested the man under a false purpose thereby violating the law AND the Judge ruled in this man's favor saying that the Officers involved do NOT get Qualified Immunity, which honestly shouldn't be a thing in the first place.
They of course have exemptions.
If it was a fellow Officer, he or she would be handcuffed in the front.
It should say "$10million lawsuit from Police pensions fund"
How much longer do we have to put up with this bull_ish before we stand up and do something about it. I'm ready.
He should get every penny.
There not going to juxtaposition your arm, just letting you know. They do not care.
I wish i had 10 million dollars for every time i was handcuffed in back
Being arrested is not some lottery win 😅
Sometimes I think media is bad influencer🤪
Another Jbtp
I dont like cops but dude funny if he think they gotta cuff him in the front