Transparency is the true goal —- Let’s go over all the Drama!
You should always use THE TRIFOLD That we sell on INDESTRUCTIBLE PAPER from the website DeleteLawZ dot com for $25.00. We ship it from Los Angeles. OR — get the Trifold you PRINT AT HOME for free by Put “FreeTrifold” (When you go to Purchase the $15 Digital Download, that’s WHEN you put the ONE WORD, FreeTrifold in and then you print it at home)
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Not's the community strength
Just watching you can cause difficulties
Sometimes, not always you want to announce what you plan to do
Chili, you do good work ,for us and you are appreciated
I had no idea that he was a troll and I’ve watched him long before I started watching you.!'
I would focus on the person that killed my son and I’d be drooling in their head !'
Ohh wow great job chilli .!'
Oh and how many tougher men have beat you ? Lol I know I was ok , ive handled 6 5 , 7 knives machete , I’m unarmed , maaan there’s tough men out there and woman , ive had my arse beat much when I should’ve won n when I should’ve lost , odds are mental , pal I’m a peasant , part warrior clan of too , and raised above all ranks , a lady ofcourse , folks If I could find the words to convey to yallll for her , love and truth and passions , chilly ive always lost , they kill us slow and maim us too chilly , 12 years of laughter from Leeds cops , many of us here , many , it’s mind blowing ! it’s not broken so how we fix it ? When it’s a fix already ? None of us all have ever changed all this ? It continues? Caring is a danger ! much respect to yallll , it’s nuts , and I’m a troll I guess ? How else I learn all this but watch ya ?
Chills I don’t know you , fella if an Asian woman chose you for years as her man , then you are a warrior clan , she wouldn’t have chosen you otherwise , I’m old and busted up now , an Asian court don’t choose bad Europeans , fact ! And I’ve been skint all life too , so love is the man /fighter , you’ve a low centre of gravity ,that’s your strength! I feel your words , no doubt , your passion is infectious pal
How is it you are denied access yet get records , I’m denied for 23 18 15 12 5 and 3 years of every serious cop ? Government Leeds , I see yiu and learn , passion is sentimente yall , positive from negative, my respects , it’s simply shut a wall here as my life’s redress , much negative, diverse and mind blowing what folks go through!
I don’t see how suing people for what they say is going to put you in the right. I think I don’t like you on that
A mothers Son was Murdered. (Acute PTSD) That kind of Trauma can not be understood unless it happened to you, even then everyone is different as will the effects be / how it affects them. Some can't deal with what's destroyed them / life in general. Compassion …
Love you Chille.
You’re a good man.
I back you 100%.
An amazing dipshiit.
Hey, have you compared James body in the videos, it looks like they moved him! Just a heads up.
Only way to do this is civil war or vote all these politicians out and get politicians that support transparency and accountability people wake up
House passed bills to give these f cops lifetime $$$$ if the cop conmmit suicide its now in the Senate they have no balls to stop this.
Jail to rehab to prison states of the usofa
Fu%k you Utube let things ride let truth be told you mfers
Some important news from Joe biden, disgusting his Titanic economy. Yes we have hit the iceberg, But look on the bright side you have ice for your whiskey now.
I’m getting so worried about you. I’m afraid they’re going to try to harm you. That would be a tragedy. They’ve been getting away with so much I hope you have a lot of hidden body guards around 24- 71/2. I don’t know what I personally do without you in y life (phone) everyday.
Cancel Culture 101 just consider the source.
Arizona RJ GUEST thank u chili great jobs appriciate you
I appreciate your explanation of that Ironton character. I happened across his video on my feed and had no idea what he was talking about. I hope to see continued honesty and transparency while I learn new thing from you.
The thin blue line is nothing but a gang symbol
CHILI You have to learn to trust people. Trust a snake to be a snake!!!