2 Cops Quit and SUED – Full Video☝️

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28 thoughts on “2 Cops Quit and SUED – Full Video☝️”

  1. Why the F did I watch this video at 6am on a Sunday morning? I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep now… FUMING MAD. …if someone enters your house unlawfully you have every right to protect yourself and your family. Those guys were cops, but they became criminals in a blink of an eye .. once they cross over to criminals like that, they should be treated as such

  2. This why police should have to carry their own insurance so if they have to many cases the insurance will drop them no insurance no job. They should also have to have a license like doctors and nurses, teachers and therapist. They should have to take continued education classes to keep their license. If they are fired they will lose their license then they can't go to another department and get a job as a police officer. I also believe law enforcement officers should have to have at least a associates degree to be accepted into law enforcement. Then training should be a minimum of 6 months and cover the constitution. It seems that police they think they are Gods and believe they can do anything.

  3. Cops don't become Psychopaths.. Psychopaths become COPS

    Cops don't need immunity, they need accountability..

    Revoke Qualified Immunity NOW

    Just another Ego Driven Blue Line Gang Tyrant.. WE the People no longer Trust or Back Law Enforcement

    Make no mistake.. I do NOT want to Defund the POLICE.. I WANT Better Trained Constitutionally Literate PEACE OFFICERS…

  4. They should not be allowed to work in law enforcement after this. We need to petition for a list similar to the "Brady list". Instead of liars who are unable to testify in court, they should lose their credentials.

  5. This is the most typical behaviour from police. I don't know why anyone is surprised. This is normal every day. A would say 90% of police interactions these days end in the citize or even the victim of crime being assaulted or at the very least being lied to and charged falsely. No wonder they are HATED

  6. The two blue guys ran FAST. Be interesting to know why, other than they F'd up. Someone had to have 'splained it to them in simple terms. Officers….STAY T'F OUT of people's homes. Yes, it's that simple.

  7. They shouldn't have been allowed to simply change to another department in the area. They shouldn't be cops anywhere, anytime. Ridiculous what we let tyrants get away with. Not all cops are bad. Honestly, most are good people. We just see more about the bad than we see about the good. Every encounter I have had with police has been good or at least neutral.

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