38 thoughts on “$20 Million Lawsuit Wasn’t Enough”

  1. Full Video Title: Brutal Arrest Paralyzes man – $20 Million Lawsuit

    YouTube recently disabled comments in shorts. If the link to the full video is not on the watch page, search for the title above!

  2. This is what takes place every day across this country ….This Gang is nation wide ….They're violent, vindictive thiefs who shake down citizens who pay their wages & benefits. These
    Gangsters share their bounty from top to bottom. These Gangsters carry their penis in their Gun holsters. They more than likely got promoted and the Police Department celebrated by taking these gangsters to Las Vegas and gave them each $ 100,000.00 to enjoy themselves.

    This is A Tragedy they don't protect but do serve themselves…..

  3. "You're talking you can breathe" needs to be reevaluated. This guy sounded like he was speaking with his last breath. If the man couldn't speak at all due to the inability to breathe, he probably would have lost his life and these officers wouldn't care less during the course of their duty unless media got the facts and reported it. What happened to genuine concern for a fellow human being?

  4. That’s crazy they took down and old man like that. He can’t even run or fight the officers. Now they have damaged his body to bad from how they treated him. To me that’s worse than what happened to Drugged up George.

  5. People who can't breathe can still speak as the pressure often prevents them from inhaling only, but they can still exhale which allows them to speak.
    I was put in a similar situation by a bunch of pigs and they said the same thing to me when i said i couldn't breathe. I used my last breath to tell them i couldn't breathe before passing out. All i got back was "if you can speak you can breathe".

  6. This shit, you're talking so you're breathing annoys the fuck out of me. Hold your breath and say i can't breath. I can say it quite easily, but if i keep holding my breath i will die. So saying this shit to someone is pure bullshit.

  7. According to national research and investigation……
    No less than 27% of Police Officers; 34% of Sheriff Deputies, and even more concerning, over 68% of Private Security personel are psychologically unfit to wear a Badge much less carry a Firearm.

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