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  1. How was the officer masigynistic ??? Racist? Maybe … But um…. SIR you don't qualify for victim of mysoginy !! Sorry SIR but spewing out the usual list of insults??? Doesn't make them reality…. And actually proves how ridiculous that list of basic accusations…also he did NOT have to use a PUBLIC washroom…… Its not public it's actually a very specifically designed to catch any illegal substances that may have been ingested….. Im not justifying any wrong doing on the laws side…. But come on… This story is disturbing enough without inaccurate character flaw insults or purposeful misleading headlines to enact emotional responses

  2. DeleteLawz always has a good ending sentence to the videos and to add something about the officers when they sign up that they have no control over their policy and procedures either, by years on in they get so wrapped up they end up hating themselves and their families because they believed in the conduct more than the final product of the Oath they committed to before they realize they are not one and in the same. It’s usually too late and as a result the suicide rate has increased on both sides. There shouldn’t be both sides but everyone on the same side is my argument to the Doctrine of the Law in the Land. Profit interests over The Interests of the People. Pawns to a game you weren’t even a part of. It’s a joke!!

  3. Get that money. The made you drop a dook in front of them. How messed up. What does that have to do with smelling friuty. I can hear it now " you smell a little fruity boy. You been puting things in your rear end?"

  4. He may not be racist. He may be one of the shockingly common cops who despise every member of the public, assume guilt until proven innocent, and will falsify evidence to railroad whomever if evidence proves them innocent of his assumptions.

  5. The police used to be loved and respected. Now, the weak minded desperately wants to be respected so they become cops for that purpose only. They want authority over others because they are weak. If only 10% of the cops were bad, that would be acceptable, but thats not the case. We have a small percentage of bad cops and the larger majority of them look the other way, which makes them ALL bad.

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