Video from an angry confrontation between police officers and a Wisconsin mom over her daughter’s playdate is causing waves as many rush to the mother’s defense. The mom, who asked only to be referred to as “Amy,” said that deputies came to her door without masks and warned her not to let her 7-year-old daughter play at other people’s houses. Her supporters say the cops are on a power trip, while the police say that this is the fifth contact they’ve had with this woman in recent weeks.
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Cops are just paid government lackeys, they don't care about anybody but themselves.
Abuse of power
you cant tell people who or when her daughter to play with! T___T
Somebody please explain the difference between the cops and a domestic terrorist organization.
The pandemic proved that the cops would hand out towels at the showers at the camps.
It's the sickness of the badge…
Cowards in the commission of cowardly things
Just your typical Blue Line Domestic Terrorists always harassing citizens for absolutely nothing else but to satisfy their power tripping egos.
Wow why is it now bad to let kids go to on a playdate with a friend that lives nearby i am i never heard this thing happen in the netherlands were i am from
Cops are no good ego Punks 🤡
Respect our existence, or expect our resistance. Every time.
cops are goofier than clowns
I'd say do the letters FO ring a bell
More Nazi bs
Why are JBTPs the hardest people to get fired?
Was this during the pandemic? If so why are the cops not wearing masks? If not what business is it of theirs? It's so out of control it's pathetic.
" Documented that you're unco-operative?" Wow. That is disrespectful to the mother.
These 2 cops need to be fired, for talking to people like this over some kids