28 thoughts on “FACE-OFF IN STREET; PONYTAIL COP EATS CROW #deletelawz #firstamendmentaudit”

  1. Women should never be cops or some other sort of authority position.

    Since that happened, since women got rights to vote and intervere with rules and shit. The whole world went upside down

  2. Employ the obedient, not the most capable.
    We need female cops for obvious reasons, but not for every field work there is.
    I am from Balkans and I have witnessed first hand the discriminatory policy of employing new forces.
    Just recently it was reported that tattooed dudes, jacked ones, sleeping in the jym and shitting health food out of their asses, were denied entering the police force cause ofn their tattoos.
    Many similar occurances happened in my Bosnia, while beer belly rednecks live of tax payers' money, who can't run 100 meters without having a heart attack…

  3. "Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live — at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!"

  4. When I was training troops I told them that everything I was about to teach them could put them on a piece of ground that might be their last stand. I told them that I would not have them in a situation where their lungs a filling with blood and they were thinking, "Hey the Sarge lied to us."
    Who is putting these young officers into a position where they have no truth to help them deal with a defeat. I would definitely have a talk with her commander if I was her dad.

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