30 thoughts on “It’s Nuh-VAH-Duh! ** Not Nuh-VAU-Duh. Las Vegas Nevada #Cops”

  1. Maybe it is the way they say it’s pronounced per the English language. Lol. It would be Chile’s version in Spanish. The point is: they are both “right.”
    ….letters are made up anyway. And so are words.
    I’m high – but that doesn’t change anything. Lol.

  2. It’s actually pronounced the first way he said it 😂 it’s a Spanish word stands for “Snow-Clad” try and say it the second way in a Spanish accent you literally can’t 😂

  3. They are all 100% WRONG!
    The Hispanic lawyer is right.
    "Nevada" is a Spanish so the accent is Nuh-VAH-DAH. It means "Snow-covered." 
    It is taken from the "Sierra Nevadas", I.e., snow-covered mountains.

    White people who've never traveled always believe the way they pronounce a word is the right way.

  4. Hope you keep laughing because I am although your video shows merits you will never win any of these lawsuits and am willing to bet my salary you have never won a 7 figure lawsuit against any police station or city or county or state for that matter!! I can go file a suit for 100 million does not mean I will win ! And defendants in this case will use this particular video to show cops are friendly and nice to you and don’t break any laws good job

  5. Chilli is one of the biggest pieces of garbage on YouTube, and actually the biggest piece of human waste living in the United States, the so-called law scholar is nothing but a twisted singledigit. I cute person that has no clue about what he’s actually talking about. he is a professional Police Hater and police stirrer, he does this to get as much attention as he can, so he can film it and put it on his YouTube channel. This man that claims he’s not a criminal, has an extensive criminal history, and anyone believing in him what he is doing, must have the same singledigit IQ as he does, even his parents hated him prior to his birth because no woman or mother in their right mind would name their son, Mary

  6. Of course it’s chille, he is a professional police hater and baiter. He loves to go around and threaten lawsuit in the millions of dollars for absolutely nothing 99.9% of these are thrown out is ridiculous. He claims to be a law scholar and that he teaches law to people. The only thing he knows about law, is it has three letters in it, and in what arrangement they go. Even his own parents hated him prior to him being born because what motherhood callthies son Mary?

  7. I do voice overs professionally. I pronounce words the way people who pay me tell me to say them.
    If they pronounced Nevada "table-chair-leg", that's the way I'd say it.
    Try going to the Appalachins and pronouncing it "Ap-uh-LAY-shuns".
    It's "Ap-uh-LATCH-ins". I used to live there and learned the hard way!

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