33 thoughts on “Pulled Over By an OFF-Duty Cop”

  1. If a cop is not in uniform, he is not allowed to pull you over, he is allowed to stop you and then call and a uniformed officer to write the ticket. He is not allowed to approach the car, learn the laws. Don't take up for them, scumbags, we know they treat us like cash cows for the state. They leave the real criminals alone to run free to cause chaos

  2. First of all, if a law enforcement officer pulls me over, he'd better be in uniform. Second of all, that could be anyone walking up to your car. Drive away, do not put yourself in danger. For uniformed law enforcement officer breaking the law.

  3. I was getting followed by a off duty cop cause I was going like 90 in a 45 rushing to work with no other traffic around and he followed me and I hopped in my bosses truck and he said I got lucky as soon as we enter the main roads state troopers everywhere looking for me

  4. Like how ppl act like the woman is in the right. Yes legally sure but to act like a cop had no reason to pull her over is absurd. Ppl in comments just don’t like cops and act like all they do is bully and assert authority. That tune changes when a drunk hits your innocent child, then it’s where are the cops.

  5. This is a off-duty officer and he wants to see her driver's license and all that simply asking him a simple question all drivers have a right to ask is she being detained he told her no you're not being detained this stop is not legal and then she can go on her way but it's like that with almost all off-duty police officers they like to harass people and then when you ask them questions they get mad and then tell you that you're going to follow their instructions and you say no because you're going to take your phone that you're holding in your hand and both your hands are up by the steering wheel you're going to dial a certain number and that numbers to your attorney and the policeman can talk to him it's moronic fools like this gives the 1% all the real police a bad name

  6. In my state only unmarked state patrol vehicle can pull you over. The other agencies aren't allowed. As for this woman asking "am I being detained?" & then pulling away when he said no, that's not okay. You're supposed to then ask, "am I free to go?" & wait for them to say yes before you leave. Well if you're smart but you go ahead and pull away from a jerk cop like that & see what happens…

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