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  1. Chase Bank's corporate office has probably been blowing her and/or her lawyer's phone up to make this go away.

    "We'll waive your fees this month and give you a $25 Applebee's gift card if you'll sign this non-disparagement and non-disclosure agreement."

    How much did they get from the bank bailout again?

  2. That violates the banking act of 1933 it's a right to access the bank chilli why are we citizens not realizing that being a citizen is a default slave in 1941 they called the people sovereign citizens but the courts called the sovereign citizens terrorists that's a direct violation of the constitution i know the truth any one that wages war on the people witch are not citizens because free people don't ask for rights and just merely labeling and defaming free Americans is a treases act and that in witch we create we control we the people created the government so we control it by voting we are asking for rights witch is why nationals don't vote or have the right to be on a jury it's all in the law the emergency powers witch put statuses in place is the very problem that needs solved along with a lawsuit against all the treasonous traitor judges agents or any other actors that violate the oath they took the merely reason of asking to sue for a 1983 is a violation of freedom in its self because that is a right afforded enshrined in the constitution and all the bar members are directly violating their oath by even practicing law the people created the law that in witch we create we control so the facts are the facts only reason anyone is getting away with it is by complying and not taking action witch is by correcting the status of the citizenship to national witch is very clear in the 14th amendment and by not using the banking act of 1933 wich states that promissory notes are currency this is clear because the gold was confiscated and I can also prove the trust exists it's all in the law we the people need to stand up as one not keep on living as slaves the word citizen means public servant so that status needs to go word mean stuff and the definitions have been misunderstood and misinterpreted, on purpose, it's all smu.S*** made up to violate rights under color of law and if we don't do something quick it's all going to be fucked up forever

  3. How is this a bad reflection on the cops? The branch manager told them and her she was trespassing. They did their legal job, yes it was a hard pill to swallow from what seems to stem from the branch managers racial profiling but at the end of the day it was private property not government, the properties custodian should be reviewed and disciplined by her bosses, and the victim needs to speak to a lawyer about she could do to Chase bank in terms of winnable lawsuits. Cops should not be out there to enforce their feelings but the law as it is written.

  4. Stop blurring out her face get her face on social media and her name. What a disgusting excuse for a human being.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

  5. Police fellow the democrat party an need a 4 year law degree before becoming a law enforcement officer.. Police are not here for our rights an laws an our Constitution an the freedom of america… us true Conservatives do not back the blue anymore…

  6. When I first moved to California I actually had an argument with a guy who is a cop, at a party. He wasn’t there as a cop he was there as a guest. And I let him know, back home I wore the badge. So I’m a little critical of police. I reminded him that a police officers job is not to translate and dictate the law but to enforce the law. The job of translating and dictating the law falls to the actual legislative branch and people like judges and lawyers who have actual law degrees, who actually study the law and have to continue starting the law that changes and evolves daily. He actually tried to argue with me telling me that his job was to translate and dictate the law. A few days later he actually called me and apologized and said I was right. Last time I ever talk to him, I don’t know what happened to him. I hope he turned out to be a good guy and not a douche bag that he showed me he was.

  7. Bro it's unlawful to knowingly make a false report that a misdemeanor or felony crime was committed to anyone employed to take a crime report, including police officers, sheriff's deputies, the district attorney, or an employee of a state agency.

  8. Sorry I'm going to say that I was related to some police officers and they were police officers that were police officers before and after the Rizzo administration in Philadelphia and people like to call out Frank Rizzo as being the most evil jackboot thug terrible person and I ate dinner with the man I was a little felon I sure how many times it was that I ate dinner with the man in my uncle's house and people complained about his way of doing police work and after me looking over everything that there was I would say sometimes they might have been a little bit aggressive but he brought everybody from every area of life to the dinner table that I shared with the man there was Chinese people sometimes there was black people sometimes there was I think they were from Thailand or Cambodia sometimes there was all kinds of people many different people One we crying complain about all these officials and I see all these videos and it makes me sick to see some of these Jack Buddha thugs that me personally I don't think they should be among the people that walked this earth but my uncle and my grandfather never took a gun out and 30 years of service two different men now my other uncle he was a jerk off he was real aggressive son and he found himself in a bunch of different situations and he had his gun out many different occasions some I'm just here to say you can't judge everybody by this that the other thing and not all the guys you know the apples and the Apple barrel not everybody is bad but my uncle told me long time ago in a galaxy far far away in the '70s if they decide they got your number and they assign you that you're one of the bad guys they're going to do everything they can to make it so I was an auto mechanic and I used to that do all kinds I was mechanic 42 years and him I used to soup up the cars for the police I used to soup up the cars in the neighborhood and I used to get tickets every time I pulled down in my driveway testing somebody's car it was amazing how many tickets I can get funny funny funny it was it was wonderful I could get 200 tickets and a single year because the police didn't want me to ever pull out a driveway and test that their results of making a car better and faster or stronger anyhow just saying yeah cuz I've talked way too long it is what it is

  9. I have to shame the devil (means to tell the truth):

    I went to Chase Bank in a black neighborhood and was denied opening an account…
    Went down the street; to a white neighborhood, & the mgr. helped me open my account…because the tellers were busy.

  10. Some of those cops probably feels great doing the all shady part of they’re career. It’s the sad reality knowing you’re a cop and can only get away with so much but time will come eventually. I truly believe in god, good karma and bad karma etc. Treat people how you would like other people treat you and your family

  11. No they won’t!! Bad people don’t have regret or feelings about what they do!! Cuz if they did they would not be able to sleep at night yet alone lie to their kids and say their good people 😂😂 ALL COPS ARE BAD and in no woke saying that either 💪🏻🤬💪🏻🤬

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