Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
"for no reason" ?? … i'll tell you the reason – the Gestapo pigs have arrest quotas !!
2:00 hey dumb a** not everybody has this manufactured hate for cops that you have. Try being part of the solution instead of being the problem.
Hey everyone from lake Havasu keep doing your best
You lost a LOT of credibility when I saw how you handled yourself in court. You got your ASS handed to u.
Anything you say will be used against you in court. You have to tell them I have the right to remain silent. They are no your friend they don't like you these dirty cops think they are above you. Remember they Despise you.
This driver is foolish for talking to these freaking pieces of s***. What is this guy 10 years old I didn't learn anything from chili when it comes to dealing with the police but he does give a lot of good advice all you need to give these pieces of crap is your driver's license you're registration proof of insurance and that is it they're not your friends.
I don't even want them to know my name much less anything about my life
Otvo c4c
It seems that you really have an issue with how this guys interacts with these cops. Don’t project your own feelings onto this guy. Let him do him, you do you (as sad as that is).
Sorry, but for me, the video ended at 2:17 when you went into your instructional mumbo jumbo.
This is the best channel so far to learn our constitutional rights. I will like to know where can I get those trifolds. Thanks you for teaching us.
Dern early morning editors? I can't be up at no bumrack 7:30 in the morning? At least wait until 11:30 or so, when normal folks wake up?
We don't stop.
please stop with the regurgitations! You shine when you're in the field! We love you, Chille. Show us how it's done.
He's a firearm instructor. Good chance he is an indoctrinated neocon. I would bet a buffalo nickel he supports these stormtroopers. Heck, he probably have trained some of these thugs.
He gets pulled over more than a lil bit. I almost feel like he sets most of these cases up just so he can run his videos on how he wears his guns on his chest and whatever else.
May I please have this emailed to me please?
He thought he was "one of the good ones." When in fact cops believe we are guilty of whatever they accuse us of…
Steve Much love thanks for the support Team DLZ ❤️We don’t stop .
Chille your the best 🤗🥰
This road pirate mafioso industry that rakes in billions every year from innocent people has to end!
He is exactly and extremely right wether anyone wana believe him or not,he is telling the God honest speaking on chilli
22 likes already 👍
I am going to miss this one team…I will be in church. I will catch it on the replay