First Amendment Auditor Visits My Local WV Courthouse – my Reaction

My email inbox blew up this weekend after a nationally-known First Amendment auditor on Youtube, @LongIslandAudit , posted a video of his interaction at a courthouse that is local to me, in Greenbrier County, West Virginia.

Here’s the video:

People have been asking for my take on this video. Given the fact that I have an office a stone’s throw away from where this was filmed, I’ve been in that courthouse many times. In fact, I was first sworn in to practice in West Virginia circuit courts in that very courthouse.

Read more and see the footage:

#audit #firstamendment #lawyer


43 thoughts on “First Amendment Auditor Visits My Local WV Courthouse – my Reaction”

  1. The part that just burns my buns . When are we going to get to a place where Law Enforcement Officers know the laws they are enforcing?.
    How many more innocent people are going to be harassed arrested and prosecuted for legal Behavior?. How many times is this exact thing going to have to be decided by a court? This exact subject has been decided and is settled law 500 times over. Are we going to have to have another 500 and then another 500 and then another 500 after that?. When does a law become a law when does a right become a Right, ever?.

  2. Imagine the people living in countries where you can be arrested for cussing out a government employee or making fun of them. You can't get more tyrannical than that.

  3. Sounds like the State of WV has fully embraced the latest management system prevalent in all aspects of our society today where nobody takes responsibility for anything, but all have authority over anything and everything they choose. We are a failing Empire. Bloated bureaucracies are a sure sign of that supposition.

  4. Given a great opportunity to shine and show how professionals interact with the public. They failed miserably and showed what a waste of tax payer money they are. What a embarrassment to themselves family friends department and city absolutely no professional integrity or character

  5. There is a key issue with these 1A audits. Why is it so difficult to find a positive interaction with public officials at all levels of government but specifically concerning is the law enforcement aspect. We can not grant powers of arrest to individuals that don't have a firm understanding of the Bill of Rights. Officer safety is a blanket excuse used to justify officers misconduct. Our government was not structured for citizens to answer to government employees. Government is not self sustaining, we fund all of it. Those in government must understand where the money in their paycheck comes from. Some people get upset when they are disrespected by individuals paid by taxes taken out of their paycheck.

  6. I’m reminded of stories from folks a generation older than me who worked in mental health in Grant County. Law enforcement in WV used to be notorious for rounding up what they termed “vagrants, vagabonds and hobos”. The power play from law enforcement was: “You don’t belong here and you aren’t allowed in this county.” Sometimes this involved an escort or ride to the county line.
    WV befuddles me at times. We love to proclaim mountaineers are always free, yet a helluva lot of us are absolutely servile to perceived authority and uniforms.
    There is still an air from a lot of local sheriff depts ‘their’ counties are their little fiefdoms.

  7. As a fellow West Virginia Hillbilly, I appreciate your videos. As you may agree or may not, not agree, the lower the perhaps, educational history of a human plays such a role in defending rites. I applaud you 10,000 % for advocating for civil rites. I speak of knowledge here in WV. TY. Your channel and most of these audit constitution channels are truly educating people to their rights. It is a wonderful thing. TY so very much from the bottom of my heart.

  8. As I read up. I see judges has jurisdiction in a court room and surrounding area of the court room they are in control such as court room, close proximity hallway and joint room pertaining on the courtroom other wise the court house is a public building and judges can NOT rule entire building out of there courtroom. any judges try to do so is violating 1st armament and also over step there authority and power. I believe the court rooms being used at the time should there be signs saying so and do NOT enter this area but auditor may continue else were there is no court being held. there is NO expectation of privacy in public including public building. also how can city council forbid 1st amendment videoing in public building pass. can they be hell accountable for this?

  9. I love watching LIA..he's calm..respectful..i did see the original video..I saw the one's he did in Connecticut..court cases..these tyrants got away with to much for a long time..they don't like it now that they're being held accountable..WE THE PEOPLE WILL STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS…

  10. My fantasy is interacting with the police officers that neutralize the Uvalde mass shooter. How would they come across at a traffic stop? Would they also be chicken shit ego maniacs or something different that we need to promote. Not hand sanitizer first before I engage..

  11. All of them should be fired/forced to resign at a minimum. SOP police state behavior. How do people have any respect for this stuff is insane. Our system is completely irredeemable. 😮‍💨

  12. Law enforcement does not care about the constitution or the law, as they make up their own laws.
    Law enforcement are felons with guns and qualified immunity.
    I keep asking for someone to show me one good cop that has never broken any law or violated a civil right, in any state.
    No one has done that yet.

  13. 1A auditors have a right to do what they're doing but god some of them go too far. A friend of mine had a run in with one and he's been after them for months trying to destroy their life and buisness. The 1A auditor failed after the Auditor's criminal record, including kid diddler, came to light. I will never trust that a 1A auditor is being genuine.

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