Emergency Live Stream- They are being Arrested @AuditorsOfAmericaLDOF

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48 thoughts on “Emergency Live Stream- They are being Arrested @AuditorsOfAmericaLDOF”

  1. When will Chilly Pepper finally learn that 2015 Rodriquez law he always states is for bringing a K-9 on scene to search a suspect. It has nothing to do with any senario he's been in.

  2. Delete Lawz once again proves even among scum like these people he has the weakest moral compass of all to ask for money to support the abusive and neglectful lifestyle they impose on their child. Chili decastro is just openly a scammer who would use any situation possible to make a dollar or become even slightly more famous even if it’s only because 90 percent of people who watch are disgusted or confused by his antisocial and outright bizarre behavior and non sensible logic.

  3. Codes and statutes are not law,they are corporate policy. A corporate form of government is an engine of theft. Police are a nonconstitutional standing army of foreign corporation members commiting piracy on the land to generate re venue for bankrupt municipal corporation. We can go on extensively.

  4. That poor baby girl thankyou for being there for this family stressful times make parenting very difficult these guys need a break so they can focus their attention where it needs that little baby . Everyone needs to grow here

  5. So much negativity about people they don't even know. Are all the negative comments simply a mirror of who the negative people really are?
    If the whole world threw our problems into a pile and had to take the problems of another or our own problems back out of the pile, I Am pretty sure that my problems would be damn near at the top, if not the top, of that list.

  6. That poor kid ,
    Chille I have been with you

    But this ain’t the best place for the kid to be

    I’m sorry
    And to smoke with the kid

    I’m sorry and again I’m glad your ok man

    We might not see eye to eye on this issue but you need to sue the cop who arrested you

    You will deff win

  7. I was told by a lawyer to stay away from a certain town and county. No warrants just cops that don't like me and have a personal agenda against me. I still half to go to that county and town from time to time no choice

  8. So Jeremiah and wife seriously thought by going 30 miles into Tennessee they were all free and the police wouldn't serve their warrants?? He e-begs so much he should have kept some $$ for his bail. Oh wait, his is a no bail warrant. Oops. Think about your child, Jeremiah, and Chilli, think about what you put Charlie through when you get arrested and he is taken to the shelter. He doesn't deserve to be in "the dungeon".

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