In 2016, police officers in Ohio pulled a man out of a crowd because he was wearing a “F” the police T-shirt, taunted him about the shirt, and ultimately arrested him under a “disorderly conduct” law. A few days ago, the Sixth Circuit issued an opinion denying qualified immunity to these officers in the pending civil rights lawsuit. I recently discussed a West Virginia case where police apparently thought they had the power to be the language police. This has been a widespread problem for many years. It’s not really that the police have sensitive ears, or that they’re concerned about the sensitive nature of innocent bystanders. It’s about respecting what they perceive to be their authority, as well as for use as a pretext to harass or detain people who are relevant to their interests.
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EVENTUALLY AFTER A COUPLE OF HUNDRED OF THOUSAND LAWSUITS FOR $100's of millions dollars each time eventually all the LIAR COPPERS will bankruptcy there cities, over and over and over!!!!!!!!
law enforcement or feelings police
I think there's enough of us on here that can push for qualified immunity…we can file it in court, and get enough signatures to revoke qualified immunity
as long as constitutional violations are civil law suits there will be no freedom here violation of the constitution is a crime.
Sue the police
Cops are THE LEAST intelligent "professionals" that I have EVER had the misfortune of having contact with. The "intelligent" cops that I have ever been in contact with that are UNINTELLIGENT are FAR MORE numerous. Why is the bar SET SO INCREDIBLY LOW for people to become qualified law enforcement "officers?" I wish I knew the answer but it seems MORE clear tome that the kind of people who police work are the same kind of people who have a HUGE chip on their shoulder and CAN NOT tolerate ANYONE who questions their "authority" and that is only a start…ACAB!!!!!!! Cops EARN THE HATE THEY GET!!!!
Thank you for being articulate and speaking in a slow and deliberate matter. I’m new to your youtube channel and your webite. I look forward to your updates on the cases that are ongoing.
Violation of rights under color of law instantly nullifies QI!
Sad that people feel the need to show their crass mentality on their bodies. It’s not illegal just stupid.
It is very clear police do NOT protect the U.S. Constitution under Article 1 : Freedom of Speech, religion and choices or Bill of RIGHTS being they take an OATH swearing to protect and to defend the U.S. Constitution! The supreme laws are NOT accepted to police because they believe in Police Immunity that was NEVER voted by citizens on any ballads .. 🤐🤐🤐🤐🆕
What a psychiatrist has to say about the ego conduct of the use of feelings v. law. If the Gov. gave a Temperament test as they do in the Navy to work in submarines, they may have better employees working in the LAW, not on their feelings. The Law goes on feelings!.
7:25 I guess the officer found out how it works. The settlement cost the Clark County Sheriff’s Office $155,000.
Oof… I just read the opinion of the 6th Cir., as you suggested. They gave those cops a sound butt-whuppin'! So as a follow-up, has this gone to trial yet? I imagine a civil suit can/will follow, yes?
Figure enough of them win in a summary judgement that they keep doing it.
When the F** is the law going to change so the tax dollars are not paying when pigs screw up???? They get caught its on their dime or their pension. Tax payers should not be floating these scumbags.
Again, you people whine, but do nothing about it.
No relation to the EFF (electronic freedom foundation, who protects internet freedoms). The original video title just said "EFF the police" as in "F**K the police" which is how I ended here.
The funny thing about qualified immunity is it would be cheaper to sue the cop for the town
Police arrest people over profanity, but allow little girls to trick themselves out on OnlyFans, within their own community. Which is more profane? As long as the statutes allow porn, morality policing is moot. Accountability is the ability to count, the silent 10-count police give you before they violate your civil rights. Police, protect and serve child traffickers, but taunt and tease, harass and molest men that stand up for themselves. Police are nothing but homosexuals allowed to rape under the color of law, and if you resist being homosexually raped, you get raped harder.
Qualified immunity is the biggest loophole ever . The police are never going to investigate themselves and find any wrongdoing.I mean a lot of people in Arizona think they have a police problem people in Utah think they have a police problem Georgia pick a state it’s everywhere that there’s no transparency and accountability and taxpayers are footing the bill.🇺🇸
police motto is NOT "to serve & protect"; rather, it is "TO HARASS & COLLECT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why? Because they are stupid.
I was with my nephew when he was 6 or 7 years old (I think we were going to or coming from a ballgame) when this group of teenage boys got on the train and they were cussing like every other word.
I just politely asked them to mind their language as a young child was right there.
They seemed genuinely embarrassed and apologized, and they quit cussing. But if they hadn't there was nothing else I could have done. They were breaking a social rule (being rude) not a law.
Cops have more admiration for their institution, then they have respect for our constitution. Remember
It's ALWAYS about Cops versus citizens
Nope, until this "qualified immunity" terd is flushed down and gone forever, there is no real incentive for the normal low-IQ lazy law enforcement officer to learn what the law is and/or to do the right thing per the law of the land, The Constitution…..