My Client Gets Arrested and Tased in Walmart for Open Carrying then Wins in Court

My client gets confronted by an angry anti-gun Karen Walmart manager in Cross Lanes, West Virginia. They call the cops, who arrive at DEFCON 11 and tase him, arrest him, and then ask questions later. He lost a great job because of it, and now may lose his home.

See the surveillance footage and listen to the 911 call yourself, and let me know what you think.


32 thoughts on “My Client Gets Arrested and Tased in Walmart for Open Carrying then Wins in Court”

  1. When I was working at Walmart, a man walked in with a gun in a holster. This was about 8 or 9 years ago. I saw the gun, and it freaked me out. Aside from the police, I had never seen anyone carry a gun in a holster, except in westerns on television. I didn’t say anything, but did go the opposite direction of the man. Over time, I realized, guns are not much different than cars, when it comes down to it. We are all on the honor system. We get in our cars, trusting that someone with a sick mind doesn’t decide to crash into us head on. Not much different with guns. We hope that someone will not go nuts and start taking people out. When I think about it, a lot of things can be weapons.

  2. In all fairness, as an employee at Wal-Mart, we have to watch a video every few months pushing ADD (avoid, defend, deny) a product of Texas State University. It makes the employee hypersensitive to gun "vilance" or anything having to do with guns.

  3. I had a similar thing happen to me at walmart course i dont think they called the cops there was a cop already there but he never made contact with me he was there for something else and they (walmart employees) waited until after i made my purchase to follow me from the store then when i went to take a selphie capturing them in the photo “escorting” me out they claimed i was trespassed. It’s one of 2 stores in town ive been back there since on multiple occasions whilst armed no further issues as far as i know. What i dont get is why would you walk up to someone you suspect might be a mass shooter and start an argument with them.

  4. Lawyers can see dollar signs here, that's a given. It's been 2+ years now so I wonder what the outcome has been?
    We can't adopt fast enough the same simple ordinance Kennesaw GA. has had on its books since 1982. Listen Up America.
    Due to that ink on paper at the Court House, it must be assumed that Every head of household owns and maintains a firearm.
    CRIMINALS avoid that kind of guessing game. It's GUARANTEED to continue to severely deter criminal activity anywhere and anytime it's tried.

  5. The caller says that Walmart had a sign requesting no concealed carry.

    OK, so the man went in with scary shotgun and pistol for all to see. It would be great to get an update on how Walmart settled with this customer.

  6. you saw the lady at the door, come over and talk to the other one, they’re the ones that started the whole thing. They probably thought somebody was going to waste a two dollar shell on them! I would not they’re probably ignorant and they have no teeth anyway.

  7. I'm sorry but "open carry" is just plain ignorant in populated areas.. Obviously, it makes people uncomfortable which violates their right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". In a rural setting, no problem. On your own property, no problem. I do agree that his rights were seriously violated, and the Walmart employee who called the police lied, saying he was asked multiple times to leave.

  8. Be realistic! He did not get tased for open carry, he got tased for not leaving the store after he was asked to. He technically was trespassing!
    Just a click bait video!

  9. I think any business that doesn't allow citizens to enter while legally carrying a firearm should be REQUIRED to provide armed security. Hopefully Walmart is successfully sued, along with the officers involved and just as important, the Walmart manager loses their job just like this innocent man did.

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