How to Strip an Officer of Qualified Immunity – FIS Live No. 19

The Civil Rights Lawyer explains “Qualified Immunity” which is widely misunderstood in the media, on social media, and in courtrooms. What is “Qualified Immunity? In this video, I’ll explain how to strip an officer of Qualified Immunity in three easy steps. Or maybe not so easy, depending on the type of case.

Qualified Immunity has been the subject of intense debate in recent years, and especially in recent months. Many commentators have criticized it as an example of the Court creating legislation from the bench, and in so doing having created a significant problem for citizens seeking to hold their government officials accountable for the violations of their civil rights.


33 thoughts on “How to Strip an Officer of Qualified Immunity – FIS Live No. 19”

  1. doctors they have thier own insurance and where they work has insurance… this way the people dont have to cover their miss doing ……. if an insurance company finds a cop has alot of claims..bye bye ….

  2. At one time, I was a remodeling contractor. I was getting too much business in competition with a sheriff's brother. For several months I and members of my crew were brought in for questioning over bogus charges. Each time after holding us for several hours, we were released without charges. This harassment continued until the brother of the sheriff chose to close shop. He offered me apologies for the actions of the officers. He claimed to have had no knowledge about the behavior until one of the deputies laughed about it. He said that he then went to his brother the sheriff and was told that the sheriff also had no knowledge. The competing contractor closed up shop because he thought that the action was unfair, and that if he needed such help to stay in business, he needed to find a different business.

    My respect for the competing contractor grew, my acceptance of the sheriff's ignorance is grudgingly given. My anger towards the gang og cops that were happy to harass working men for fun continues to grow.

  3. There needs to be mandatory classes on the US Constitution on our GOD Given rights before one enters the police academy,.

    ALL officers that are on the payroll will need this class to be taught to them and a yearly refresher course.

  4. Gotta point out in the cheating wife analogy that not using a blinker doesn't deserve a beating. And that ignores the obvious fact that the cop's wife was cheating on him with the traffic violator. How many other people has that cop beat for not using their blinkers? Did he have the same, dare I say, MOTIVE, for beating them if any others do exist? Also you said you had to provide examples of previous case law as the 3rd step in proving a voilation of civil rights. How did the 1st case established to be used as an example complete that 3rd step? They had nothing to say "see here it happened before" if it never did indeed happen before. Just wondering how any case law was established if they needed previously established examples in the 1st place. Chicken or egg man?

  5. If you don't know your job, you shouldn't be hired to do such job. We all make mistakes, but having an entire government backing you up, why should a cop care about there "mistakes"

  6. A cop will pull someone over in a heartbeat for any trivial matter, but they rarely lift a finger to help anyone.
    If they do not like what you say, your hairstyle, your country of origin, your color, … they won't help you at all.

  7. Police do get qualified immunity for committing criminal acts.
    "I was just following orders… when I killed that child for carrying a Bible on a public sidewalk.", "I was just doing my job.". (Google Roger Holyfield)
    "I was just following orders… when I went along with the bomb threat and searched that business for drugs.", "I was doing my job.".
    "I was just following orders… when I set up the attempted murder using that blacked-out police car.", "I was doing my job."
    Yes, cops do get qualified immunity for committing felonies.
    "I was just following orders… when I falsely arrested all those people, when I illegally stopped and searched those people, when I forcibly evicted those people because I did not like her hairstyle."
    There have been thousands of cases like this.
    "I was just following orders… when I burned down that home and killed 2 more people.".
    And no one will help me stand up to this.
    I have the evidence, I have the witnesses.
    And there is no statute of limitations on the felonies.

  8. I just wanna say I greatly appreciate you breaking this down for us. I listen to these videos while I'm at work every day so I really wouldn't mind long videos. I enjoy learning from your videos. I'm 39 and I was harassed a great deal when I was younger in a small town in Tennessee where cops think they can do whatever they want. Ever since I started listening to these videos and learning from them this has stopped. I have actually had to represent myself in court and won my case just off of knowledge I've gathered from videos like yours. I skipped 3 grades in school and graduated early so I learn at an extraordinary rate. Everything I listen to is absorbed completely. I just wish I would've been able to have gained knowledge like this when I was younger. Would've saved me a great deal of money. Just wanted to say thank you for your videos and keep up the amazing work brother!

  9. i agree that qualified immunity needs to end, but i could **maybe** imagine some reasonable version of it. but there needs to be some common sense applied to it. it shouldn't need to be clearly established that say, pepper spraying someone who is calmly in cuffs is police brutality. or tazed. like, the specific method of breaking someones civil rights shouldn't matter. if there is a case even VAGUELY similar, qualified immunity shouldn't apply.

    these cops are adults, that have lived in this country for some number of years. they should KNOW what is constitutional, and what is not. that shouldn't be confusing to them. they should know if they are in a stop and ID state, and that arresting someone for exercising their rights is illegal. it isn't that complicated. i know cops are largely idiot bullies that peaked in highschool, but even they should be able to understand basic principles.

    (note: i said i could maybe imagine it, i haven't thought of any specific cases where it might, just that there is conceivably a case that could happen, where QI, or whatever better version is named, could apply)

  10. You didn’t mention the most important thing about about what happens when the case is resolved in favor of the victim, and said victim is awarded, usually, a very large amount, but, because of QI, nothing happens to the cop and the city winds up paying for that cop’s screwup.

  11. What would Thomas Paine have said about me, John Roche, Jr.?
    The American People are OK with the FBI persecuting me FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT.
    They have forfeited their own Liberty by allowing mine to be so horribly violated.

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