46 thoughts on “DumbFounded Cops Can’t Get Rid Of This Guy! #shorts”

  1. This man wasted 3 minutes of my life caused I watched it 2x to understand why he is stupid as the poop in his pants. He must have a little penis to NEED the attention he is starving to have !! Quit the little BS and make a difference and get a job that will allow you to feel entitled to infringe on other people's rights to privacy. Think about it A*H** !!

  2. Public easement..?!?!? That doesn't make sense. It's either public, or it's an easement. The whole point of an easement is that it's private property that can be used/accessed by the public for normal use.

  3. Hey, don't shit on these ones. They didn't understand correctly, he told them they were wrong, they made good faith attempts to research it and honored the truth as soon as they knew it.
    We CANNOT expect cops to know everything all the time. They deal with too many situations to know every single thing about them.
    What we CAN and should expect is that they argue in good faith and acknowledge when they are wrong once they know it.

  4. If these criminal cops spend as much time fighting crime as they do trying their very best to put innocent people in prison then we might actually have a decent police force. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen.

  5. This is the perfect example of officers trying to "act smart" in regards to something they know absolutely nothing about in an attempt to justify an unlawful arrest. That is pathetic.

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