29 thoughts on “Denver, Colorado; Arrogant Cop Learns a Lesson”

  1. This police state of USA will get worse. In general the female population wants more cops and the male population want less. There are ;more females then males so good luck with your democratis government. The males are in deep dew dew!

  2. They have the spirits of their angry mothers. They have their identity in their mother which is anger and hatred. They need to break free from their demons and love their neighbors as themselves.

  3. The majority of cops only work 10 years then retire at full pay. That's their union and rights. They claim disability for any reason and they get to retire. Facts ,!! Biggest bullshit scam ever !!

  4. He should keep his mouth shut while the cops are on a call until they have finished .His fowl attitude and language tells me all I need to know about this .He and his other fraudulent “press”brothers ALWAYS stick their nose into the cops investigations to please their cop hating audience and make money, the fruit of all evil.

  5. This guy always cursed out cops and never let us see what happened afterwards. He is a asshole and if you notice on many of his videos looks at himself
    .He is a narcissist and talks constantly so his followers say “ what a brave man” and that feeds his ego.

  6. What a incredible idiot this moron just showed the entire country what a unprofessional unethical second rate clown cop he is what a childish little pathetic excuse for a man and a officer would try to bully and argue with a fence post

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