#Audit Vegas Cops Make Money via Tickets: Same Cops who arrested me

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43 thoughts on “#Audit Vegas Cops Make Money via Tickets: Same Cops who arrested me”

  1. Very curious as to where you went to law school since you call yourself a constitutional law scholar, it is an insult to those who HAVE attended law school to become a constitutional lawyer. So please tell me where you went to college/ law school? onstitutional scholars refers here to scholars operating in their academic capacity within a university or independent academic institution. Laurence Tribe is one of the most preeminent scholars of constitutional law. And 2nd , what makes you a member of the press? Because you drive around with a camera looking for law enforcement to scream at and hassle does NOT make one a member of the press . This blows my mind . Can’t wait to see all these lawsuits, I’m sure you’ll win πŸ™„ oh and btw this is from an NYU constitutional law student

  2. Really alpha, chasing after the cop that arrested you single-handed, yipping like you're some kind of pansy ass poodle. Do us all a favor, Constitutional scholar, represent yourself in the lawsuit again. That's always hilarious. Throwing out challenges. Remember the challenge to fight a police captain in the ring and you just slinked away from that so fast with your bad knee, or bad shoulder. You should have just shown him your phony bad ass face in this thumbnail to make him tap out. Loser. Yeah, altar boy. Mammacita must be so proud of her little beta male, Maria.

  3. Transparency ????

    List any successful lawsuit you’ve completed.

    Name them here.

    None. Grifter. Beta male. Lives with his mum.
    Steroid junkie.


  4. This is hilarious. Your drug use is now out of control.

    Nobody will get fired.

    The Beta male is you. Out of shape clown , out of breath running 50 yards. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. The one cop that took you down and put you in cuffs didn't need backup !
    So why stand across the road and shout trash like a spoiled child ?
    If one of those cops got out and came over to you, your booTs would turn Brown!,

  6. There's only one Beta Male in this video. That cop took you down by himself. He's living in your head now. Chasing him about like the petulant little childish bully you are. Listed in a frivolous lawsuit means zero seeing as you haven't won a lawsuit yet. Also motioned to keep the cameras out during your last case. Some transparency that is. What an absolute joke of a man you are.

  7. Damn man! You are pathetic…you are like the lowest of the lowest dirt on earth. Aren't you embarrassed at your old age to act like an 8 year old? Throwing a tantrum like a small child? That is very embarrassing…law suits that you never win, an unemployed moron who hasn't done anything with his life. A complete leech of society. Pity you man.

  8. I wish you luck with that lawsuit my friend. These so-called police officers should be Held
    Personally liable. If they have to pay out of their pockets I highly doubt they'll behave like that in the future. Good luck my friend.

  9. Holding a Public Oath taker accountable is commendable. Why do you sue them in their Public capacity making the Public pay for their actions instead of placing a Performance lien on their Surety Bond, to hold a Public Office? If they violate their Public Oath to the Constitution of the United States to protect the Peoples unalienable Bill of Rights that are guaranteed to be secured, and shall not be infringed. Place a lien on their Surety Bond for bad faith performance. No Bond ….. No Badge ……No Office or Officer. Must be Bonded to hold any Public Office in any State of State from the local level all the way to the President. Then sue them in their Private capacity and hold them 100% personally and commercially liable for all damages and injurious harm, be it emotional, mental and/or physical.

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