The Foundation of Law: History EDU

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28 thoughts on “The Foundation of Law: History EDU”

  1. Most people don't even know where law came from or even began and for those that don't know I'll inform you. GOD the Ten Commandments if you think we need more laws then what God himself laid out I pray he has mercy on your soul.

  2. When some one calls 911. You are not allowed to know your accuser and the courts protect your accuser. The caller is the accuser not the police who respond. So you are not allowed to face your accuser in court.

  3. This was a representative republic. From 1776 till 1792 we were a confederation. From 1792 til 1871 we were a representative republic. From 1871 till 1999 we were a corporation. In 1999 the corporation went bankrupt for the 3rd time and it was dissolved. Now we are a nothing being ruled by a kingREGI.

  4. Well state legislators figured out how to get around the unconstitutionality of camera tickets. They now have cops watch the video and write the ticket.

    It was also Woodrow Wilson in combination with Dunnigan. Wilson used his work as a history professor to remove minority contributions throughout history.

  5. QUALIFIED IMMUNITY removes "EQUAL RIGHTS" and "EQUAL JUSTICE" from every U.S. taxpayer who is not employed in law enforcement!
    Qualified Immunity was Satan's greatest gift to law enforcement…
    Schoolchildren even hate the outdated and criminally protected police! (Caveat, always record the problematic police!)

    – (Michael B. Saari for Michigan State Senate 2022)

  6. But we arent given the right to property? They neutered Locke.
    Rittenhouse was there looking for violence and the people there had a right to disarm him threatening them by being there in opposition to them. He had no right to be there in defense of police actions. His presence was purely antagonistic and the media and courts protected him from being held accountable for that intent. If he was in a different political position the courts would have RAILROADED him as they do others with intent everyday. Rittenhouse was PROTECTED because he stood in defense of POLICE- whom he was high fiving and drinking coffee with after turning himself in for m- oh wait I'd get in trouble for SPEAKING truth, so much for the first amendment… The judge protected him and the media kept his intent focused on self defense rather than going to look for a fight, which was clearly his intent based on evidence. The entire trial was a sham. His supporters are police-supporting fascists.

    Jacob Blake had a right to life that was being unlawfully challenged by corrupt police. The protesters protesting his monstrous attempted murder and regular community harassment by police had a right to life that the city cared nothing about and now allows vigilantes to target.

  7. The rule of law comes from God In which men and women have always without fail found a desire and need to break. Lucifer the 🐍snake is always tempting and deceiving.

  8. You're missing the biggest part of the picture. The law comes from our Creator God who revealed Himself in the Holy Bible. You shall not murder does not come from any man. You shall not speed comes from man.

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