31 thoughts on “JOHN FILAX IS A HERO @JohnFilax”

  1. "If they wont leave, then you ealk them out…but be nice. If you cant handle him on your own, another bouncer will walk him out with you…and youll both be nice. Youll be nice until its time to not be nice."
    How do we know when that is?
    "You wont. I'll tell you. You are the bouncers. I am the cooler… "

    But the best lime of the movie is when sam elliot rolls up in front of the club…. "The Double Douche…"

  2. Unfortunately that's how it is. You're guilty until proven innocent. If you were innocent before proven guilty, then why do you have to sit in jail until court?? Makes no sense. Do they think we're that stupid? Even I figured that out and I got a Forrest Gump IQ. lol

  3. My uncle was a chief of the department and when I asked him one time why cops are so hostile to people he said “ now a days most cops are bullies who want to control people to make themselves feel good ,not all but most “. That seems to be true anymore !!

  4. John Filax is part of the problem actually. He’s a right wing nut job that acts like he’s neutral, one of the most dangerous kinds. He loathes voting but cries about the job Congress does. That’s ass backwards. Vote to change it or live with it.

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