1. Why wouldn't he make money? Since when is it wrong for a journalist to get paid for their work? The audacity… Should she work for free also?

  2. They dont like it when you rock the boat. This guys content is great. Hes risking his freedom bringing this information forth. If he keeps going probably his life. I thank you for showing the masses how corrupt this system has become. I live in Baltimore nobody can tell me cops are good people in the majority anymore. I've seen them first hand do some of the grimiest things possible. People no longer trust them here. There was a time not too far back where you were more likely to get robbed by them then your friendly neighborhood junkie or thug. Idk something has to change. Look how many scared punks are running around with firearms ready to shoot you when an acorn falls from a tree.

  3. It doesn’t only happen it happens way to much in the uk 🇬🇧 Brit cops are just as bad but have no guns so have to be twice as physical I’ve been twisted up like a pretzel for saying a ginger cop was bullied at school had all my clothes ripped off me in a cell then I got battered by five police officers in a cell with no cameras 💪🏾 awesome justice system

  4. Yea and 2 weeks later you came back apologizing just so you could get released. Couldn’t stand on shit for 90 days without the comforts of your home. They aren’t jack boot thug pigs when you aren’t comfortable. All the sudden you’re sorry.

  5. This guy takes videos snd twits them to make the "victims" seem innocent, when you can find the full videos he edits and shows the "victims" actually in the wrong.
    Most the time, the "victims" are wrong.
    However, there are many times as well that the cops are wrong as well.
    He loses credibility when he edits to make up lies.
    If he stuck with integrity with his videos exposing real corrupt cops instead of editing to push an agenda, then he would have my support.

  6. This judge needs to be striking from the bench. She doesn’t know the amendments of the United States of America. She only know feelings. Get this tyrant Cunt off the bench.

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