Arrest Results in Coma – then Cops Disappear – my Client Dies

I was called to the hospital in Huntington, WV after a man was dropped off by small-town cops with a brain bleed after force is used on him in the course of his arrest. Before he died, I secretly recorded this footage. Here are the results of my investigation. Update soon…..

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43 thoughts on “Arrest Results in Coma – then Cops Disappear – my Client Dies”

  1. You don't and won't find any paperwork or documentation of the incident, I bet they won't have any cctv footage either, & you shouldn't if you intended to cover up the incident and protect your officer's…very suspicious and reeks of corruption

  2. After years of large lawsuits and police being fired and charged and this is still a common occurence throughout the country is proof of severe coruption within this country. Law and justice mean nothing to our thug illegal government at any level.

  3. This is one of the most sad/unreasonable acts of violence/policing I've heard of. Prayers to his mother, family and friends, and to you! What a horrible tragedy with no basis no paperwork. Such an unnecessary event, I can't even begin to imagine how his mother feels. Horrible absolutely horrible.

  4. If only more people would use their skills positively as you. You're a true hero. I'm Danish and try and make my own place a better place but it's a constant battle and I feel alone.
    Like a politician that actually, for once in history, went to jail for violating human rights, but the people voted her back because she "just" violated immigrants rights. For gods sake, fellow humans. That's just giving them a greencard to be criminals. As you say, we must protect everyone's rights, otherwise we end up with none.

  5. Word is cops are killing citizens in konova va.more than once.and they are hiding from getting cought.this is a job for the FBI. There's just too many killer's in the police system down there in Kanova. H.

  6. I worked ER for years. A majority of what I relate here is due to police excessive force. I cannot count how many times I had police bring a person in custody. Most times in cuffs behind their backs. Sometimes we were called outside to take a unconscious or severely injured inmate out of the police car. Needing a gurney to transport inside. In almost without exception the police couldn’t get out of the ER fast enough. When confronting the police about what happened and asking about the patient being in police custody. I was told ….oh no he’s all yours. Once we bring ‘em to you , you deal with them.” Here’s the additional disgusting detail that they related to us….”Plus once you guys have them we don’t have to pay for anything after you admit em.”
    So not only do they not give you a history of their injuries. But, they laugh at us as they did what we called “a dump and run “ That’s your real public servants. And it continues to worsen every day.

  7. My mother called the cops on my Dad because he didn’t come home from the pharmacy when she told him to.
    He was waiting for the prescriptions to be filled. After he passed we realized that he’d been suffering elder abuse. She’s in an assisted care facility and we constantly get calls from her making false accusations of abuse. She’s very disruptive to the community.

  8. These kind of psychopath cops is why i stay inside my home with my windows covered up and door braced with a Brinx door jam bar. They are getting way too violent and acting more and more like they think they are modern day Judge Dredd. (Judge/Jury/Executioner)

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