44 thoughts on “Arrested For Repeating What A Cop Says!”

  1. They are that thick they wanted to misread what this guy actually said because heโ€™s butt hurt what freaking cry baby and it resulted in no charges they are too frightened this goes to court where the judge would tear them a new asshole for this nonsense

  2. So the cop makes a threat and accuses someone else of the same threat he made. Is anyone surprised. They assault people all the time and charge time and arrest that person for assault on a police officer. What a freakin joke

  3. good luck with your lawsuit I hope you get lots of money too bad the taxpayers have to pay for it we should make it that the police station that he comes from should pay for it out of their budget so that they could teach their officers the law and not just let him go out and do whatever they want

  4. DISGUSTING charges on the officer should include
    -false arrest
    -failure to uphold the law and oath they took
    -violating citizens rights
    -lost wages should be drawn directly from officers paycheck or pension

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