#Arrested Good Citizen News – Let’s follow this man’s Journey.

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28 thoughts on “#Arrested Good Citizen News – Let’s follow this man’s Journey.”

  1. Cops do not work for the public they work for Satan's butthole "Government n Big Corporations".all for revenue and to fill up the court's jails n prisons again for revenue. Big money". In doing so they are allowed to rape take and murder anyone they choose. There's no such thing as a good cop.

  2. Hey Chillie I gotta say you really are a coward who hits women and puts it on YouTube and brags about it’s so when you get put on your ass by someone I hope you put that up on YouTube

    F@&$ losser

  3. The legal terms and conditions of the majority of copyrighted material is that the licence is for private use only. The TnCs prohibits the playing of copyrighted music and movies in public or for the benefit of the public. By playing music in public AND loud enough for public enjoyment, the playing of music in public is illegal.
    The same conditions stops anyone from sitting up a large screen TV in a public space and watch a copyrighted movie whereby the public can enjoy it too. The basis of the infraction is in the purpose, or the meaning, behind playing music on public. As the purpose of this situation is to stop video recording in public then two illegal acts is occurring… Prior Restraint and playing copyrighted material in public AND for the benefit gained by being loud enough for the public to listen. I would recommend the owners of the music is told that the public are playing their music in public AND for the public's enjoyment without paying royalties to the owner. Cops should enforce the law even on themselves.

  4. What happened with the Struthers case and planted gun? Can you please inform the audience please buddy..
    What's the situation with all the hate from other channels?? Have you left Ironton for good or have to wait until things settle down.. what is your plan? Thanks @chillli I just want to hear from all sides of this.. I understand that if you didn't visit these towns that nothing would of been heard about these cases and your shedding light on the matters is clearly a good thing. As they say to us if they have nothing to hide why are they so scared. I just hope that it gets followed thought with til the end for all parties and that the attention doesn't over rule or spoil the outcome. I know transparency is a big thing but maybe hold back until you have all the information and hold your cards close to your chest instead of live streaming so the police know your every step. Maybe get some glasses with a camera or pocket pen with a powerful microphone, idk just a idea. I would like to know your thoughts at some stage regarding all these matters. Don't give the haters a reason to hate as your doing a good thing I just believe being more polite and holding back what your could be capable of (not that I know tbh) might get you a lot further in cases like Irorinton. I know that it can be hard to hold back when your being treated like shit but sometimes the long game is the smartest and it also makes you more professional when handing in these law suits and not getting hate off the bat straight away before it the case even starts. It's a huge responsibility that your handling.

  5. That's where they need a flash mob and storm that building with cameras and dare them to do the same thing to them if they do $30,000 lawsuit times 100 people that would get somebody's attention.‼️‼️‼️👮🤮☠️

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