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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Take ir to court the pig can't legally testify in court because of his past actions as a pig
😂😂 what a loser cuck this cop is!
His town don't have a real towing company do do corrupt officers taking cash kick back's getting people impounding cars
Oh the pig who tucked up paperwork 😅😂😅
drive away without a valid license
This pig said he was doing 90 , i bet he was doing a 100 , putting other drivers lives in danger . This pig is a flat out liar guessing what speeds they were doing , just how far away was this pig for him to starting speeding like a mad man . Just how many near accidents did he barly miss at that speed .
That pig is a well-known major league a$$hole.
Frank is an obnoxious idiot with delusions of godhood, I sure hope that I'm never pulled over by this fool. He is living proof of why you should never talk to the police.
A corporation revenue blue line gang member
You could make a million videos of police officers doing great work and being heroes. But miserable hate filled name calling Chilie only concentrates on the bad. This video is brought to you by a scared big mouth bully who joined a gang in jail out of fear.
It's but plugging Frankie sloppy slope of AZ trained to escalate violent batter planting evidence altering reports hidding behind corrupt corporation government judges and prosecutors no longer law enforcement officers to serve and protect…
That self proclaimed hero makes me sick to my stomach.
He guesses because he’s counting on them just paying the ticket. He’s on the Brady list. He can’t go to court.
Another ancient video. What's a matter Chili, afraid to flex your 1st amendment rights?
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When my license was suspended, it got towed on the spot where it got stopped
5:43 the government doesn't care about us, they care about punishing us. That's why they hire guys like this who has no qualms about extorting people on the roadside and thinking he's 100% doing the right thing and protecting the community. 💥 Click the link 🔗 to purchase your 2 FOR 1 TRIFOLDS and COP CARDS
I've this cop in videos where he likes to berate & mock people as if that he job to treat people that way.
Thumbs DOWN. I canr do Fridays with Frank. I just cant. Sorry.
Anybody that displays the "blue lives matter" flag has no respect for the flag of the United States of America.
Bro send me a card. Im not working right now. 😊
he's only a Oath Violator and Road Pirate!!!
I had a cop pull me over cuz he "estimated" my speed as we were in moving vehicles heading in opposite directions🙄 I "estimated" he was 20lbs overweight
Love you NH
This scumbag is on the Brady list I heard…..can't trust a single word that comes out of his mouth!!