AUDITOR FAIL — Calls Cops On Himself

IDC Chris:

Audit The Audit:





2nd Channel:

Live Streams:


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#1stAMENDMENT #badcops #audit


29 thoughts on “AUDITOR FAIL — Calls Cops On Himself”

  1. this young man didnt do the best job
    but, the paramilitary clowns were way worse
    this was a clownshow the whole way around
    america is a communist police state

  2. So, he videotaped, failed to get anyone to care that he was filming….. Called police to get police there…. For content. Fails to understand that the goal of auditing is to get NO response and people not react.

  3. Wow, what an embarrassment. Hes just trying to get famous and not support our rights. I hope no one supports him. Hes hurting legitimate efforts to defend the constitution.

  4. Clearly Cris set the cops up, using a deceptive call. If it were just research, then he proved the cops don't know anything about "COMMON LAW" which is the law of the land. Cops operate under "ADMIRALTY LAW". However, setting a cop up with a deceptive call is illegal either law, and Chris should have known that too!

  5. Now because of these videos , the cops have something else to look into. Now I wonder and the Police will to how many people call the Police on themselves so they can get money from a lawsuit. What a set back for Freedom this kid has caused us all.

  6. I do not think this young man did anything wrong. He did the same thing as Chuck Bronson does, he put out the bait, and they swallowed it hook, line and sinker. This is no different from any other auditor challenging the right to record in public. He gave these officers the opportunity to uphold their oath, and they failed miserably. Furthermore, he did not force these officers to make any of their wrong decisions and is not responsible for their ignorance pertaining to their job. These officers failed to do a proper investigation. He controlled the input to the scenario, and the police controlled the output by violating his rights. I do not see why him making the phone call has any bearing on the decisions that the police made in the normal course of their duty. His call was not false in any way, unlike most of the calls that are made to the police pertaining to the other audits that are done. I see videos all the time when the caller misrepresents and lies on the 911 call. I have not seen one time when the police arrest the caller for making a false report, even when it is requested by the auditors. His test is definitely valid. He tested the system and showed the failures of it. Pay the man!

  7. Came over from a Here's the Deal video, where this kid was illegally stopped in a different situation. Was really rooting for this kid, watching that video, until I found out about this. If we are to hold others accountable for their deception, we cannot use deception to do it.

  8. I know this is an old video… but honestly, even though calling on himself was a dumbass thing to do – there were absolutely no grounds for arrest. There was nothing false about his police report.

  9. Kid would’ve been a good auditor if he hadn’t pushed the issue and made a complaint on himself to force the interaction instead of waiting for one to originate organically! Now he uses the channel LawsAreUs I believe. Sad that he acted like this and had to be cocky instead of just being well-versed on his Civil Rights and how to stand on them!

  10. @LackLuster I do not completely agree with you on this one; You are confusing a false 911 call with a tip to a NON-emergency police line. Although it is most likely considered tasteless by many it is NOT illegal. He did make the non-emergency call but he DID NOT make the cops act the way they did!

  11. If this kid would have started his video off by explaining that he was going to place a call to a NON-EMERGENCY police line and leave an ANONYMOUS TIP and then proceed to film the interaction; everyone seeing this presentation from LackLuster would have a different attitude about this kid.
    I do not believe that he should have placed the call but his call did not make the police violate his rights and arrest him.

  12. This kid is a clown & is dangerous – had he not done this to himself then these cops are behaving illegally. Nobody claimed to be alarmed or distressed and the cops did no investigation & yet the cops told him off for not helping their investigation – ridiculous. The reality is this kid is disturbed but the cops should not be claiming obstruction if people invoke their 5th amendment.

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