A Texas motorist said she was so terrified of a police officer during a routine traffic stop that she called 911 on him. Earledreka White was pulled over in downtown Houston after she allegedly crossed a solid line. The 28-year-old claims she did not. She says she got out of the car because her license was in her purse in the trunk. The police officer ordered her to get back in the vehicle. The officer struggled to overpower the woman. When he finally subdued her, she was charged with resisting arrest.
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It seems to not register with a few people that you can’t have court on side the road , be polite and know that a ticket is not an arrest ! You never get out of the car
There's no way this ahole was "threatened". He took advantage of an opportunity to beat up on someone, period.
chilli, seriously? I’m not a fan of police either but when you’re pulled over, you roll your windows down, you turn the car off, place your hands on the wheel, demonstrate through posture and tone that you’re not a threat, and let the cop conduct his business. Hopping out of the car was dumb as fuck. Whether you or me or anyone likes it or not, when the police pull you over, it’s their traffic stop. A respectful, polite demeanor goes a long way WITH ANYONE. You let the police conduct their business, then you’re free to go. I like watching most of your videos, but sometimes you post some shit like this, where the cop clearly isn’t in the wrong and it just diminishes the intent of your content which I believe is to expose police corruption/brutality etc.?
Firstly, she MOUTHED BACK AND FOCUSED ON PHONING, instead listening. No, no. This Black women plays the Game.
Stop using the race card, its a weak argumemt
Which includes self defense ⬆️
This is sad where white us poli e are demons and tyrentsin the land of the free
We the citizens have to have our own procedures protocol and policies