27 thoughts on “Breaking – Bodycam Released – Lawsuit Filed Today”

  1. We cannot continue to let this happen, the law enforcement in this country is out of control, operating completely outside the law. They aren't being held accountable when they violate constitutional rights, or break laws. The judicial system has failed us the same as law enforcement has failed us, and we are going to have to fix it ourselves. Law enforcement needs to start realizing we are fed up with their behavior and we are not going to let them get away with it anymore, they need to get scared of being held accountable ON THE SPOT, RIGHT WHERE WE CATCH THEM IN VIOLATION.

  2. I don’t get it. This gentleman owns two houses, (in this market? GOOD FOR HIM!). You can see the officer walk past/away from those houses, past another small structure, assumably a shed. He then walks onto a trail, up a hill, and past a second house sized structure. Why isn’t he arresting whomever owns THAT property? What happened to common sense?

  3. These two "officers" have nothing better to do then to harass these good people. They are seriously investigating Marijuana plants that are growing randomly? Total insanity.

    These officers must get off to over powering individuals and roughing them up. Doesn't matter that they just ruined somebody's day and for some their lives but now these people have no trust, and shouldn't, ever trust the police again.

  4. One thing rhat i didnt gear anyone mention is that outdoor marijuana is harvested from august to november. Thay said rhey just moved in in july. They could have easily checked with the landlord to see if they truly had just moved in in July and then ruled them out because the plants would have been growing long before that. Simple police qork that police simply wont do.

  5. The fact that the cop doesn't understand how being accused of a crime right from the jump could scare someone who is innocent is indicative that he needs serious retraining at a minimum.

  6. Any cop who doesn't immediately provide their name should be considered a criminal impersonating an officer, and any force needed to resist them should be lawful

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