23 thoughts on “Caught in the Act: Always Watching, Always Filming #deletelawz #firstamendmentaudit”

  1. Always let them know they will be seen and recorded, probably by more than your camera, 24/7. THEY are the criminals, initializing and perpetuating animosity and fear in your neighborhoods. Great work. Hope the good cops appreciate citizens finally clearing the dead wood so they can do an honest day’s work.

  2. Michigan just passed a law which prohibits having a phone in your hand while operating, driving, or even sitting stationary in a running vehicle (i.e.. red light, rail crossing, traffic jam…etc.)

    Another law to inhibit the public from filming them. Because your camera is your only chance to protect yourself, catch them in thier lies, and hold them accountable.

  3. “Hi, meatball.
    My pronouns are F and U.
    I’m remaining silent.
    I don’t consent. To anything you ask.
    I want an attorney.
    Good night, Muppet.
    Look. There’s a doughnut. Fetch.

  4. Let me guess your next video you'll get bored BC cops didn't approach you, then you'll approach them with a whole lot of insults and bs edit it, post it, try to look like a hero so you can scam your brainwashed followers to give you money

  5. Sadly the police in America have become a Gang of Thugs. They recently formed a national criminal organization that uses a Desecrated American Flag as their symbol to rally the troops and intimidate everyone else. Adolf Hitler used the Nazi flag for the same purpose. How did that turn out? This American Gang must be eliminated before the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights no longer mean anything and are just remnants of a destroyed country that no longer exists. WeThePeople must save America before it isn’t a country of We the People. God Bless America and all its citizens. Amen

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