Chille’s Request for Bail Hearing Vacated by Judge

History is a set of agreed upon lies by the victors of the last war.
Propaganda is the tool that solidifies those lies in the consciousness of the unthinking masses.

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40 thoughts on “Chille’s Request for Bail Hearing Vacated by Judge”

  1. The thing about getting a lawyer is if you get one in the same county you have to remember they eat together and have frequent get togethers and a out of state lawyer is one of two things feared or looked at as a enemy

  2. A huge problem is that they have all of our money to fight against us. Not just precedence in previous cases etc, how did any of that come to be? They used our public tax dollars to fund lawyers to fight against us.

  3. How about sitting in jail, never told you were under arrest or why you are there, then denied bail simply because you didn't have a job at the time ( because you were moving to another state, for heart surgery, to be near family). And a year later still waiting for a court date when bond was posted……. Right here! I need a lawyer to fight for me to…

  4. You know I’m no scholar, but I’ll tell you what, you can’t fight City Hall. they are in charge and as long as there’s going to be crookedness in your government, you’re gonna have to deal with it. How can you get rid of the crooked people? You get rid of one and another one will pop up somewhere else, it’s like pimples.

  5. Here's what is going on.

    Fed was incorporated in 1871. Bar was created in 1878. Corporate enforcers are the army of corporate government. Read the 8th Amendment and then ask this question. Who prosecutes judges for violating the 8th Amendment?

    Do We the People defend the Constitution directly? Is that what the 2nd Amendment is for?

  6. What made the judge make a decision in my mind is using the word pig. I don't believe you should be calling a police a pig. I believe you should call them for what they are. And that is corporate policy extortionist. There is no accountability for police you got to remember that we're talking about a corporation corporations are there to be in business to make money. The more they fill up the jails the more money they get from the federal government. You got to remember. That's a police. The judges. The public defenders. The district attorney. The mayor's. And everybody on that board are all part of the corporation. You can ask for change but it won't happen. change can happen if we get involved in numbers

  7. The problem with your kind if the law is not on your side you have so many reasons to say…. Man up. In your opinion no justice but for us we the people justice has been served.

  8. I got one other comment. when the supreme Court has the right to deny to see anapill this is Injustice in itself. When you're in prison you're at the mercy of these in slavers

  9. God bless Chile. My prayers are with him.
    I cannot answer what the solution is. But my thoughts are we need to unite and show the injustice in this country. I am sad for Chile and happy to see Trump and some in Congress start to seeing the Injustice tyranny or what other words you want to find for it. The only way change can take place if we the people take control of our government as our forefathers wanted it to be. And tell People unite this will not happen. The only power we the people have is in our vote. We have the power to get in office and make change. That is my solutions to this problem. Bottom line you get what you vote for

  10. So decastro once again stuck his nose into what was none of his business and has ended up with a 180 day sentence. Now this Brian character is trying to keep the business operational while the convict does his time. Birds of a feather; neither these guys is truly interested in real constructive change, all they want is to stomp their little feet and call it all unfair….and drag their fans into the quagmire so enough knuckleheads send enough money to keep these charlatans afloat. Hypocrites! Really listen to their petty diatribes and you’ll recognize them making the exact allegations they accuse others, the cops and courts, of making. If these were serious men I would support them, but they’re not, they’re merely chatty, self absorbed, and irresponsible pouters. Decastro deserves to be where he is…it would be interesting to watch him try his bullying schtick on REAL criminals and professional swindlers with antisocial proclivities as strong as his. My bet is he’s either paying protection or informing on his fellow inmates to keep himself safe.

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