Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Appreciate you educating the mass's! Thank you!
This is what these jbtps do. NH is a police state as they look for any reason to stop you no matter how petty it is. I'm from there and I would never live there again.
So, has Chille ever disclosed his criminal record in Alaska that is a mile long??
A "warning" means it never happened.
This video is a great example of why you do NOT need a trifold.
Save your money for groceries for your family. Cops are not out to arrest law abiding citizens, despite what crazy Chilie thinks.
It is the law enforcement officer's responsibility to check the car for the illegal transportation of zombies. These zombies could escape, bite people, and cause a zombie apocalypse. He must also check for vampires. Vampires also can bite people, and create more vampires. He must check for dirty bombs; bombs which don't really cause a massive explosion, but create radiation. All in all, the officer has many responsibilities during this detainment, and has so much to do… so much to do.
brother sounds like a cartoon character 😂 no wonder twitter eattin this mfer
I can never get on your website to get your try fold
I really used to enjoy the videos from DeleteLaw. Until they became long infomercials for the tri-fold card.
Looks like Chilli and More Auditors got to go on a Road Trip, got to go to New Mexico and sort the tyrants out, Go get them Auditors.
I love how he break this video down, every person should know this, that's could save lives.
In California, it's the law now for them to tell you why they pulled you over.
Good point about the truck potentially going off the road and killing you or for that matter the officer also. In this day and age of technology we shouldn’t have to stop on the side of a road but either be approached for whatever it is at a safe spot down the road or get sent something in the mail if it a simple speeding or equipment violation. There are cameras everywhere that record you as you pass either toll areas etc. many things can be changed to lessen roadside stops or eliminate them altogether if it’s not a crime related pursuit. The reasoning that there are many crimes revealed during stops does not hold true statistically and does not outweigh the greater need for safety and also to travel unimpeded. Revenue is the main purpose. For stops not safety. More freedom less policing of the citizenry
Is there a law making it illegal to have a previous address on your license if you filed a change of address card What's the big deal🤷♀️🤷♀️💥💥🍔🍟🍻🦦💙
It’s funny how you get owned. You are really stupid and I enjoyed watching you go to jail and will enjoy it again. You are too much a coward to serve the proper way. You look like your on drugs the way your eyes pop out when you get mad. You are pathetic and disgusting. Also you are far from a law scholar that’s why cops ignore you and laugh at you when you alway that. You are like every other pathetic fraud trying to get views to get paid. Activists don’t do that. Crackhead do. I can’t believe I served and got shot at for a coward like you to abuse the constitution. It was not intended for you to act like a cry baby. It is really pathetic and no normal person will ever support you or this garbage. We will laugh at you as you go to jail and actually change laws but not the way you want. You idiots are hilarious. STAY OFF THE CRACK
God damn, they taught Google how to lie. I asked for the Law Making it illegal to have the wrong address on your license I.D.Eventually it gave me Rsa261:57 That contains to temporary registration.That's what that Statute is for
You hit the nail on the head with the two-step. Excellent call people need to be educated about that!
SO HAPPY I got my trifolds ordered last night !!!
I’m not following the part if you have a right why should we have to invoke a right?
Trooper 2 step that’s a new one Chille that’s good.
Chille Its great to see you back on top man I started watching you back in 2020
Cops aren't people.
Welll, I care, but i understand it's not in my interest to conversate.
🎶🎵If you’re white, black or brown, While they violating your 4A, Any town USA, Don’t reach around! Hey hey hey! That's for preverts anyway! We just want you to stay safe, trifold in the right place, Trigger happy JBTPs just wanna pop their cherries, they no longer discriminiate! Don't reach around! Heyheyhey! If alive you wanna stay? Don't reach around!”🎶
What percentage of pigs are psychopaths?
Yea thats BS treated so bad
Any code/crime/infraction is arrestable
Sup Chilli
Hi all From San Antonio Tx
Algorithm. 💯
No organizations are fighting for constitutional carry in California, only i am, because everybody's making money hands over fist for the CCW permits. I did the math in Riverside alone and the issuing agency CCW unit have made close to 20 million within the past 6 years for CCW permits, renewals, and everything. Not including what the trainers make. Let's do the math. $180 for application and card issuance fees multipled by 42,000 equals 7,560,000 multipled by 3 for renewals in 6 years (renew every 2 years) comes to $22,680,000 give or take a few. Can you now see why they don't want constitutional carry in Riverside or California? Chad Bianco is not a second amendment sheriff.
Trainers for the first 5 years made over $12,000,000 until sb2 then they started charging double so it's close to 16,000,000 for trainers! Our rights are being sold at a high price gentlemen! This needs to stop. People are greedy. PERMITIUM is a private company that's profiting off charging you for an Inalienable Right assured by the Second Amendment of the Constitution! 🦅🇺🇸
Gerd murnin' errbuddy! ☕ 🦅🇺🇸
Fueled with coffee in the morning WE DON'T STOP! TEAM DLZ 🤙