A Utah woman is suing the city of Layton after she says she was wrongfully arrested for DUI and gr*ped by a responding officer. In July, Amanda Houghton was rear-ended by another driver while stopped at a traffic light. She called police claims she went from accident victim to gr*ped perp. When her husband arrived at the scene he was warned to “stay back.” That’s when the male officer started searching her. Houghton says she was inappropriately touched. #cops #arrest

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  1. The Defense of a Nation: Why a Revolution is Necessary

    The time for talking is over. The time for action is arriving on July 4 2025.

    As I sit here at my laptop, I can’t help but feel the weight of our nation's future on ALL of our shoulders. Our great country, once ballyhooed as the beacon of freedom and prosperity, has been twisted and corrupted since the Reagan years by an oligarchy that cares nothing for the people. Those in power are not the leaders we need, nor the leaders we deserve. They are selfish, greedy, and COMPLETELY out of touch – even with the Republican citizens they claim to serve. It has been 55 years since our nation flourished under leaders who followed the Constitution and worked for the good of all citizens. They were FDR, HST, DDE, JFK and LBJ. It has been too long, and now we must act.

    "The horn of revolution is blowing! The enemy is the oligarchy."

    But what about those of us who hesitate? What about the good people who, though dissatisfied, fear the human cost of a revolution? They fear the violence, the bloodshed, and the upheaval that would come with it. They are pacifists. They want peace, not war. They WANT to believe that our leaders will change without a fight. This is a fantasy. The oligarchy has worked too hard to take control of our nation and they will NEVER let go – and you damned well know it.

    To the pacifists, I say: I understand your fears. I, too, would prefer a world without violence. But the harsh truth is this: sometimes war is the only option when all other avenues have been blocked. When those who hold the power refuse to listen to the citizens, when they corrupt our entire government, war is what remains.

    I know you know this, but it needs to be said aloud:

    "We cannot wait any longer. We cannot let this corrupt system continue to destroy what is left of our nation, our society. The oligarchy has taken everything from us. They have stolen our wealth, intend to trample on our rights – and to break our spirit. Some of you already have broken spirits."

    The oligarchy has used our tax dollars to enrich themselves – IMMENNSELY – while many of us citizens struggle to feed our families, pay the bills, to have a roof over our heads. We know a few homeless folks who live in their cars, sometimes begging for food, hoping they do not get TOO sick and die. We know of the masses who straggle on the street corners. living in tents, losing what is left of their lives, their minds, their dignity.

    The Takeover

    The oligarchy has bribed our government politicians to pass laws to protect their interests while leaving the common citizen behind. The oligarchy has tried to silence our voices by feeding our minds with BS propaganda – and now, Trump has been invited to walk the halls of power in our federal government. If you thought our previous administrations ignored us, this influx of oligarchy will do even more evil than that – they will pretend we do not even exist. And for all intents and purposes, we don't exist. We do not matter at all. They do not care about your peace, your safety, or your happiness – NOTHING. They care about power – and now? Now, they will stop at nothing to keep it. They must be put down like rabid dogs would be put down.

    We, the willing, are not turning to war because we want it. No, make no mistake, people are GOING TO DIE. We are for your blessing in the upcoming war because it is the ONLY WAY left to restore what has been lost. If we do not act now, if we do not rise up, we risk losing everything. We risk letting this corrupt system destroy us all, chipping away piece by piece, until nothing is left. Just today, I saw an article about Social Security being threatened. What will you do if they outright kill Social Security – hell, kill the entire Mandatory budget – and stuff it all into pockets?

    This Shit is as Real as it Gets

    History has shown us that change does not come without sacrifice. The great leaders of the past – the ones who built this nation to what it was – did not sit idly by while tyranny reigned. They fought King George III. They bled. And they died. They did it for an unoppressed life, for the future of their nation – this nation – and for the promise of a better world. And here we sit – with pacifists, those people "on the fence" and the people damned willing to fight. All of us are needed – if not to fight then we need for you to SPEAK UP and support the fighters, whatever number that might be.

    Like I was just saying, yes, there will be sacrifices. There will be pain. This cannot be sugarcoated. There will be HUGE moments of doubt. But, by God, there will also be victory. We have NO OTHER OPTION!!! The result of this revolution will be worth every cost. A successful revolt will rid us of the oligarchs who care nothing for our people. A victory will bring us back to the Constitution, to a government that serves the citizens, not the elite. It will restore prosperity, liberty, and justice. And you have heard me say this before: It will give our children a future filled with hope and opportunity – a future where hard work means something again, where the American Dream is not just a myth but a reality for all.



    Addressing the Reluctant Among Us

    I know that many of you reading this are still ON THE FENCE. You are unsure. You see the risks and wonder if it is worth it. But I tell you, if not now, when? If we do not act, we will never have a chance to RECOVER our nation – much less to create a better one. The leaders we need are not in Washington, not in the halls of power. They are in the streets with ssnninpieprerr rriifflleess. Using ssiilleenncceerrss with ssuubbssoonniiccaammmmoo. Whispering death into – no, THROUGH, the ears of the enemy.

    These heroes, these willing, are in your homes. They are the mothers, fathers, workers, and citizens who have had enough.

    To the pacifists, I say this: I do not ask you to pick up arms, to fight if you do not wish to. But do not stand in the way of those of us who must. Your support, your voice, your courage to stand with us in spirit will be just as crucial.

    To the ones "on the fence": Yes, to those of you who are undecided, to those of you who are on the fence, I ask you: What is the cost of inaction? How much longer will you let our nation be degraded? Integrity? Gone. Prosperity? Gone. How much longer will you let the oligarchs strip away the very foundation of our society? Strip away your life, your children's lives


    It is time to choose. Do we let them win, or do we rise up and reclaim our nation, our society? Do we accept the massive theft of our tax dollars, the lack of justice against these bad people – or do we demand the freedom and prosperity that all humans, all citizens, are entitled to? July 4, 2025 will be our moment; the one chance we have to restore the greatness of our society. The future of our children, our families, and our country depends on what we do from that day forward.

    It will not be easy. It will not be painless. But if we stand together, we can do what our ancestors did: rise the fk up, fight for what is right, and reclaim the nation that is ours, that belongs to the citizens.

    On January 20, the time for ANY peace passed. I hear the death knell tolling for this once great nation. Now is the time for revolution. So, prepare! Stand up. Get a long-range wweeaappoonn and stand for a better future.

    This is the fight for our nation. We must answer the call.

    Rise up. Take action. The future depends on you.

    I can't say it any plainer than that.

  2. "You don't treat people like that!" People only feel this way when their loved ones get the treatment. Where were you all these years when others were being subject to this treatment?

  3. Horrible video but man… grow up. Stop saying “jack boot thug pig” you aren’t helping your cause at all. You’re just acting like a child throwing a tantrum. That’s the whole reason you got thrown in jail for 6 months.

    Be a little more mature. Your message is right. The way you convey it isn’t.

  4. You know this shit bag has a history of this shit . She got treated like the one that was a fault . This is systemic , believe it people. These goons have been trained that they can treat the American people like enemy combatants .

  5. Even though many people think this is wrong but this legally train in a male search a female with the back of his hand to make sure there is no contraband on the female person ( drugs, weapon like razor/small knife item) under yes even her breast. There are drug that are so small that can be hidden under breast. And if in custody they then use those drugs and may die from it, then everyone is in a up froll, that the Officer didn't search her correctly. And yes there are drugs that even in small amount that people can die of. And if that happens then people blame the police.

  6. And then you hear the so-called narcissistic Psychopathic so-called cops saying like one today's day of age well yeah today's day of age you can't trust anybody especially the shiny badge reason why because they're trained to be Psychopaths and narcissistic. These egomaniacs already have these traits embedded and they fully come out and then they're protected by qualified immunity and the new license to Kill which is known as officer safety

  7. This cop should be fired and sued, this officer is groping this man's wife, this cop is a disgrace to the uniform, she just got in accident, she passed the blood test and they still charged her, a total disgrace!

  8. We are in this situation because when this was just happening to people of melanation aka black ppl, very few white ppl spoke up against it because they saw the police aka the slave patrol as doing their jobs by protecting the withes form the blacks and just keeping the blacks down but now the monster has grown out of control and is attacking everyone including whites.

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