Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
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$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
❤ how they look after him
SOVEREIGN GOVT CRIMINALS just doing sovereign Govt criminal things,
ie: extortion, beatings, killings, cover-ups, lies and NOT BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
Unfortunately too many Americans don't speak up when they get VIOLATED.
Unbelievable dirty dirty Police station. Words cannot express the corruption in the US Police force.
Your new channel doesn’t come up when I type it in
None of them a freaking out trying to figure out how it happened.
I’m surprised they didn’t go to cover up mode and say he touched it and the fentanyl was ingested on accident
Criminals with a bage worst of the worst Jbtp!
I bet this never made the news. They are the biggest drug dealers in America.
Just when I thought I seen it all in life
They’ll charge the guy they stole it from for attempted murder of an officer
Their blue line gang has all the resources of the state at their disposal 24/7. !!!!!!!!!😮😮😮
Addiction does not discriminate. But it's still mind-boggling when it happens to a leo
Seems all good. Why are you picking on "heros"?😂😂
Wonder what excuse the cop will pull out of his ass to get out of this one ?
He overdosed on one too many IDs.
Narcan does not neutralize the heavy benzos that were mixed in !
Classy cops " he was in the shitter"
Cop on the floor is mad ! You guys are ruining the good nod I had going dude !!!😮
No sympathy here.
We need an update
While this is crazy I disagree with your comments that they responded like this because hes a cop. I accidentally overdosed on fentanyl in 2022 and was saved by cops and ems. They administered narcan 8 times before I was admitted to ICU. Maybe in other places they treat people like this but where im from the cops treat everyone like this.
Thats what all the police tattoos are for. It signals to other cops that they are dirty and looking to to score.
i see cops punching ppl in the chest that od so often i thought that was how you woke them up
Where's the link to the original?
We need a name and badge number this isn’t a lil thing either
karma got the right person for once
No one secures the bathroom for evidence?
but yet somehow ppl think me calling them a gang is wrong …
This is what you get in blue states