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  1. Your videos just keep going and going. But until we organize with lawyers. And civilian patrol. Armed and with communication and cameras. Nothing will change. Now how do we 100 million into funnel this. Behind a company…. I emailed you this idea. but your not smart enough to understand it do it. Yes you the vid Maker it's unfortunate because. All cop haters would funnel millions into it and build a company an organization as big NRA. But you're its sad you have this platform yet nothing is changing. So i will email my idea to other lawyers

  2. Insanity, these are all officers of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Foreign corporation , not to be confused with The United States for America , the country. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation operates under Admiralty Maritime law, the law of the sea. Our country, The United States for America is our free Republic and operates under common law, the law of the land. Their are two United States, but one is the corporate government for the District of Columbia. Do your homework people. Rise up against these treasonous tyrannical terrorists… They are murdering us and our families… God bless us everyone…

  3. I’ve never seen a cop pistol with somebody. I’ve seen them use the butter of their guns, but this dude just slapped him with it. That’s insane. But you are 100% correct they are allowed to do whatever they want when they feel you should be in custody. This has nothing to do with the law it has to do with total domination, total compliance. You don’t have a choice. Why do you think so many states don’t have the right to fight an illegal arrest because it takes away the power of the government When you can do that.. And as we’ve all seen, they can’t have that..

  4. Chilli, I've been watching your's and others videos and for myself seen pice change from using logic and God-given common sense to full on tyrannical powers for TOTAL SUBMISSION of all.
    I've also been encouraging people to read and reread the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. Understand that there has been a trend repeating itself, those on power fearing of loosing that power. Today's bureaucracies become so fearful of loosing power and ignoring common sense values. Policing sees itself as a bureaucracy of power mongers. They've lost complete sight of freedoms and laws and have become so addicted to force over constitutional laws. A clear "Them and Us" mentality! We the People have become the enemy in a tribal mentality. Cops are now trained early on in HATING society as if their addiction to POWER is a DRUG. Common sense and common decency has no place. That void is filled with HATE.

  5. Even if we literally just try to protect ourselves and dont attack them we still can get battery on a cop…..half the time they say stop resisting they might as well just say stop trying not to die cuz thats what were doing lol its a natural reflex to try and straighten our arm when its getting twisted out of place or try to block our face or anything like that….these cops arnt choosing that profession to help ppl they are choosing it for the power and other selfish reasons Atleast 9/10 cops only a rare few are good cops and thats the problem

  6. I think it’s only a matter of time before the citizens decide in mass, that they’ve had enough and that whenever officers get out of line they are going to get physically involved and protect each other from police or put police in their place. This is going to lead to a lot of tragedy.

  7. ✊🏽✊🏿✊️✊🏻☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️👉🏽🇮🇱🇺🇸

  8. You've been lied to that Russia, China, North Korea, Iraq, Iran & then Terrorism is the threat to your freedom😂😂😂😂😂
    You are your own threat to your freedom
    The boogeyman is domestic not foreign

  9. This OUT OF CONTROL TYRANNY that we are now seeing literally every single day multiple times per day all across our nation, is EXACTLY why our forefathers put a 2nd Amendment in our Bill of Rights. I'll NEVER understand why my fellow conservatives just blindly and automatically support law enforcement. I believe in a necessity for PEACE officers, NOT "Police" officers, in order to maintain a peaceful civilized society, HOWEVER, I absolutely DO NOT support the type of police I see today in my country. They are sociopaths and murderers and they are totally out of control. All I can hope for is that one day Americans will wake the heck up and stand for their rights and freedoms like our forefathers did because I guarantee you that they would not have allowed this crap to continue if they were still alive and in power in our country. Police today disgust me!! And that goes for the CORRUPT prosecutors and judges too!! The entire system is literally PURE EVIL!!

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