Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
You reap what you sow
You're in the house you're under Fuck a tyrannical government…
Ur on private property zippity zoppity not your property
Tell the grim reaper to come get these jbtp
It's them or us.
Agreed, they are militarized unhinged psychopaths. It’s just a matter of time for these JBT’s! I trust everyone in this community before ever ever trusting a cop who only represent their heroic efforts in any case or measure because they have to! They pick on the homeless- they treat everyone in their database as scum when in reality they should be entered in the matrix they created! The dichotomy they created is what it means to be an UnAmerican Terrorist!! They live, breathe, function and operate in an Unconstitutional Manner EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Word to the wise turn in your Badge and surrender your salary and maybeee mayybeee then the organization will change- A job no one should take until the entire DOJ is reset and administered according to Civil Rights Protections and Equal Rights and Opportunities with Clear, Practical and Concise Policy and Procedures and to include the elimination of all Case Law – Case Law is the error of the Courts! How many Rights Have Been Violated before you admit the system is broken and corrupt and it doesn’t work!! It only works for them!! Unconstitutional and Criminal Organizations in the form of government by the government themselves the criminal Unconstitutional Institutionalist Entity They Are! The Thin Blue Line right in the middle of an American Flag, Right in our faces!! God Bless the Real Men and Women Of All 5 Military Branches who protect and serve only this flag🇺🇸 Come home to realize they are wearing a different flag!!!
Peace. Truth. They are at war with American people. They train their canines to be, too. Peace.
Bitch going to war.
They should not leave that yard standing
🤬🤬Flagler Beach FL police have arrested jeff gray of honor your oath UNLAWFULLY and he's in custody🤬
She has no idea how to hold a rifle
America is not rotten !
Yea and she looks trigger happy smh
if power is given to the wrong individual, they will commit many mistakes, injustice will happen, inhumanity will happen, corruption will happen, there will be a lot of misery for the public, there will be racist behavior, there will be a lot of cruelty and tyranny.. this is what happens when a power is given to the wrong person.. this is what is happening in this world now..
I don't understand what un-alived means. Do you mean killed? Don't be a punk Chilli
I don't think God would even forgive that.
You had me up till the stupid DEI hire comment!!!
FFS! Stop being so stupidly brainwashed!
Is it only women who are a DEI hires for the police force?
If so, then that's misogyny – not DEI!
If they send their dog turn yours loose on it,,,,,
I feel the same way…
Why are cops such pieces of trash
Facts 💯🙏🏻
Earning the hate everyday.
I will be paying a visit to these two retards.
Time to start exercising our 2nd amendment against our tyrannical government. It's all going to get worse with Trump in the white House. We are going to be the next Palestine as long as Netanyahu and Trump are bed buddies.
He's a killer
Its these people that were week and bullied during childhood that seek this job. Then their thoughts are, "now its my turn" .im so glad that people are standing up for their rights! These JBTP's are a legal gang that had their feelings hurt when they were children.
Don't ever let these killers in
His badge says "to serve and protect", but the haircut says "Jews Will Not Replace Us"
Private citizen not an enemy.
Second amendment.
You could tell like she wants to use that.Gunny, you could tell she wants to use that gun in somebody
Cops are brainwashed
You forgot to say she could kill any.Body, she wanted to, and she would still, you know, get a slap on a hand and say she had every right to do so
Not only does she not know how to hold that gun, but having a scoped gun in close quarters is always the wrong choice. Wtf
I totally love listening to you.I have every feeling of what you say I have the same feeling about these people
No Warrant, no entry. If they FORCE their way in your home WITHOUT a Warrant, you have every Right to protect yourself against ARMED INVADERS.
Everything you said is absolutely on point, love you brother stay in the fight we need many more of you
She doesn't know which eye to use !
F all police
Cops are NOT heroes. They are WAY TOO comfortable playing judge, jury, and executioners.