1. Predator, this is the same type that deals with your grandma and kids. Until when are we going to put up to this?, Trump deemed Mexican Cartels a terrorist organization but what about the thin blue line terrorist organization?. This Government has the people right where they want us.

  2. Absolutely sickening. He should be charged, tried, convicted and registered as a sexual predator. Fired, stripped of credentials as law enforcement, and sued. This is completely unacceptable behavior!!!

  3. The United States of America trains their pigs this way. The United States creates maniacs, terrorists and every kind of evil you can ever imagine. The United States of America is literally evil.

  4. Good luck,at the end of the day either Qualified Immunity or he quits and gets a job with the police department in the next county it's his word against hers, with a good lawyer the Court won't even see the video, just sad.

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