Cops Caught Deleting Evidence! – Full Video☝️

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46 thoughts on “Cops Caught Deleting Evidence! – Full Video☝️”

  1. Frank Sloup the doop.. fwydays wif fwank
    This pig is the biggest dookie of them all.
    Brady listed Frank Sloup. I'm sure his disciplinary records indicate a tyrant. His disdain for the public is quite obvious..

  2. So you have to give away your Fourth amendment right to know what you're being pulled over for doesn't sound correct to me, seems like man in the car was correct and the cops are always wrong

  3. Ah, Brady listed Frank sloup!! 😆

    He’s a “Richard” but you’re out of gas if you fail to show id during a traffic stop. There’s only a handful of states/jurisdictions where the cops must tell you why you’re being pulled over and during that recording Arizona had no such law. 🤷‍♂️

  4. This POS is nothing more than an ego-tripping tyrant bully in the biggest way and most definitely is extremely belligerent, ignorant, condescending idiot who show should be out on the street , he is a danger to the community and a disgrace to the badge

  5. "I do this to live."
    By this he means:
    I violated the rights of citizens to live.
    I break the law to live.

    This lying by police officers must finally be stopped!
    Police officers must finally be banned from lying when they address a citizen as a police officer for whatever reason!
    If all lawsuits have to be paid from the policemen's pension fund and not from the victims' money, then such policemen will no longer do this!
    Plus harsh punishments!
    To achieve this, police officers must finally be banned from lying to citizens.
    As soon as a police officer addresses a citizen, he must introduce himself and inform the citizen that he has the right not to answer questions and that he only has to show his ID if the police officer can verbally articulate a crime.

  6. Frank is an arrogant pos cop, that escalates just to escalate. There are few instances that provide indications a driver will run, the reason to possibly hide the intent of the stop, like a warrant . Why not act professional with the people you serve … like his policy demands !!!

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