Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
So they kkill and gett some days off ( vacation ) PAID DAYS OFF …wow!¡
With pay wtf
Mann our legal system in the west needs some reform
More ego driven incompetence.
suspended with pay WTF this is criminal
The following should be mandatory minimum standards for becoming any form of law enforcement. (REVISED & UPDATED)
1) No criminal history.
2) Mandatory 1 yr constitutional law, civil rights, and de-escalation education/training.
3) Mandatory annual continued constitutional law,
civil rights and de-escalation education/training.
4) Mandatory national registry. (same as child offenders).
5) Prior citizen complaints follow for life.
6) Prior reprimands follow for life.
7) Limited qualified immunity with mandatory liability insurance.
8) Mandatory body cameras and mandatory termination, prosecution, and/or jail time for muting, tampering, obstructing, or deleting body camera footage. (Remove mute buttons altogether)
9) Mandatory full accountability and enforcement for breaching laws/ malfeasance. (such as threatening nonviolent civilians, filing a false report, and /or lying on a report/in court). THEY HAVE BODY CAMS TO REWATCH WHAT THEY DID… NO REASON TO ACCEPT LIES OR MANIPULATION.
Send this to your congressman.
That's the problem with police in this country, no consequences
America needs a functioning justice system and a functioning democracy.
Suspended with pay ? A fckng paid holiday would be more accurate, a**holes.
Chille. Canadian cops get away with this stuff all the time. They delay it for YEARS until people have forgotten then they sweep under the rug !!
Suspended with pay… What a joke… Kill an innocent bystander and get a paid vacation… Things aren't getting better, they're only getting worse…
Get a lawyer and lawsuits. Sue the city and get the cops pensions
Oh are these the self-proclaimed "heroes" we hear about "serving & protecting"?
Even the Ruger Model One (single shot rifle) is illegal in Canada.
In Canada the JBTPs have all the quns.
Tyranny is in full control throughout the world
They chase because they get a adrenaline rush it's like being high.
Oh…a paid vacation..
Abolish qualified immunity for all public servants
You cops are NOT special! You should be charged with crimes as anyone else.
Home Grown Trained Organized Terrorist Gang = ALL cops
Donuts were originally square. They cut the corner off for officer safety
demons will act in a rage of blindness.
At least they get paid to sit around after being just as responsible as the assailant. Probably more beings, they're supposed to be the ones protecting citizens. Not putting them in danger.
Why were the not fired
OK, police officers are the biggest hypocrites. Whatever happened to de-escalating a situation. Nope not these morons. They’re acting like they’re playing GTA with peoples lives and they get suspended with pay people. You gotta wake up these guys don’t care about about us. I guarantee they walk.
Jbtp otvo
Commonsense tells you not toget in high speed chases every one is in danger murder by negligent behavior the cop's ego would not let them stop the chase criminal
Actions by poicel leave with pay they should be in jail
So given a vacation say it for what it is. That's called a vacation
I hate cops as much as you, but they did this to cover the fact that despite his long criminal history, the surviving robber got a lenient sentence so he wouldn’t be deported back to India where he belongs
Paid VACATIONS all around!
How tragic to be suspended with pay !!!!! Holy shit, all that time they are gonna hafta spend with there family's .
Street justice!!!!
Absolutely correct 💯 Thanks Chile
So they get vacation, you fecking m0r0ns.
JBTP 🤮🐀🐽🐖🐷🤢🤢
Glad to see you cover so,e Canadian stuff it’s hard to find, either because there cover up is so good because of the new sensor laws, or the rcmp are actually doing there jobs. Altho they don’t have a oath they abide by like the American constitution so I doubt it’s because there good at there jobs and fallow the law
🔴 Police crimes against public citizens under the color of law are not just attacks on individuals or the Constitution – they are attacks on society and undermine the rule of law to which cops sworn an oath to uphold. Allowing any cop immunity from justice from these crimes diminishes accountability and devalues public trust made by the very few courageous law enforcement officers that actually keep their oath honorable. Never do they truly apologize for the mistakes they create. Only justice has been to sue the county & the cops for crimes committed. We investigated ourselves & found no wrong. That's why your paying out millions of dollars to cover up your guilt in law suites. Total BS. End qualified immunity and make the guilty cop pay out of their pension,, property and other assets.
🔴 VERY FEW COPS ARE paying for THEIR sadistic capricious ego god complex. It is no wonder why cops hate cameras WHICH CAPTURE their reckless endangerment. No THE COURTS ARE NOT sending a strong enough jail message as cops continue to violate the laws to the point of smashing heads into concrete, breaking necks resulting in spinal injuries that paralyze and all the while the accused IS in handcuffs. If you die while in custody, we the cops are then only concerned about our own immunity. How have we let the land of the free get this INFESTED WITH corruption.
Was that robbery really worth all of the resources they put in and alive? They put in danger chasing that man. If they would have not chased him he would have got off the road and went some place, and everyone would be alive and they would still be looking for him. But no, they're pride and their ability to be able to punish the public without any cost to their own personal property finances. Or interest is insane. We have paid serial killers running around pretending to be law enforcement officers. Yeah I said it
A paid vacation, and you wonder why this CRAP happens.
Joe Magnets
If that were my family that this happened to, losing their job and house would be the least of their worries!
The magic words. With pay 💰. Tragic.