Dangerous Cop – Intense Encounter – Charges Dropped

Full Video: https://youtu.be/FGW5pxoaVtM


28 thoughts on “Dangerous Cop – Intense Encounter – Charges Dropped”

  1. This "cop" just lost his job, his home, his retirement, his bank accounts, his vehicles and everything else he owns of any value…Why?…because he's one dumb "son of a b******"…SUE, SUE, SUE…in civil court and then criminal! UNLAWFUL DETAINMENT, ILLEGAL ARREST, ASSAULT AND BATTERY, FALSE IMPRISONMENT, FILING A FALSE POLICE REPORT, EXTORTION, ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, VIOLATION OF HIS FIRST AND FOURTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS…AND THE LIST GOES ON…

  2. You've rights have legal w weapons in your automobile. Doesn't matter if it's a clearing knife, fishing knife, legally owned gun. Cops can't just reach into your private vehicle to remove things whenever they feel they want to. That is a violation of civil rights. Although I'm not entirely sure for the context of this 'short'…

  3. Why is he so damn connected to that knife… He is retarded for that… But this cop out of blue trying to take the knife… Like what for… This seems country side and in my country in village areas cops are used to seeing a axe on seats let alone a knife… He is mental for thinking knife has any meaning

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