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66 year-old John Hardwick is a dementia patient who loves to shop with his wife at the Walmart in Danville, Kentucky. As they were shopping, he became separated from his wife. He ended up getting violently arrested by officers with the Danville Police Department. They ended up at the hospital, claiming that Mr. Hardwick was intoxicated, rather than suffering from severe dementia. New footage reveals the shocking events that occurred in between, when the Boyle County jail refused to admit Mr. Hardwick. The real reason isn’t what the cops told people at the hospital, nor what they put in their report.
First Video:
Second Video:
Third Video (about other dementia victim):
The nurse should have her license taken. SHE IS AS STUPID AS A BAG OF BRICKS.
It honestly just beyond baffles me that these are adults with power behaving with such dangerous ignorance and negligence it’s comparable to that of children. They have no empathy for this elderly man they should inherently have the most respect and care for his safety. There should be an extensive investigation into this entire police forces conduct if this is their “normal” procedure. Should these really be the people protecting and serving us? Genuine psychopaths who lie to harm us?
This is infuriating.
This cop is torturing this guy with the handcuffs.
Absolutely sickening.
186k views and only 25k signatures on the petition. Come on people, we can do better than this.
I ben saying it on every video, THERES NO WAY IN HELL THEY WANT A JURY TO SEE THIS, i see a huge settlement,
Wow that entire local agency needs to be restaffed. H8s wife should put a jumbotron TV up and play these videos for the public 24-7. This is the crueI, and unusual that our constitution protects us from.
thats a hard watch
"Handcuffs aren't designed to be comfortable." They aren't designed to be torturous either.
11:00 Jail finally realized something is off.
This was very sad to watch. They treated this man like trash. The cops who arrested him should themselves be criminally charged for their blatant lies, and the cop at the jail should be seriously reprimanded for his shitty behavior towards this man. Hope the wife sues the sh*t out of the police and Walmart.
Officer God is a menace to society.
As a combat veteran with PTSD who doesn't get out much….hearing the cop laugh at him b/c he probably won't be going to WM anymore b/c of what the COP DID TO HIM isn't F-ing funny IMHO!
Its incredible how absolutely stupid these cops are.
Outrageous .
Post the cops names and dept phone number.
THIS IS A LESSON IN AMERICA. IF YOUR LOVED ONE HAS DEMENTIA, TELL THE POLICE STATION. What kinda fcked up world are we in? This is hard to watch, I can't finish it. Both my parents went through dementia, nothing too advanced before passing. This could be anyone's parent.
It's hard to watch how this man is being treated. Even after suspecting his condition may be medical, the staff in the jail still fail to treat him with any kind of respect. Thank God I won't grow old in the USA.
its her fault for not taking better care of him. my mother had the same problem and i took care of her for her for 1.5 years until she hated me so bad she had to be put in a nursing home
Keep up the good work. Great channel.
19:55 why isn't he seatbelted in?
My husband has a TBI and I am terrified of something like this happening to him because he has bad balance. & has been accused of being drunk while walking our dog before. These Copts should never be allowed to be cops ever again.
This is an example of why medical bracelets are so important for older Americans. Cops should look for them first during any contact .
If they had grabbed his wife at Walmart, this hole thing would of ben all for not, police made this whole thing WORSE, AS USUAL
That jail nurse is a med school reject she couldn't hold a job at a real hospital or Drs office. She has the personality of a Rabid pitbull.
LET'S PLAY WHO CAN BE THE BIGGEST A$$HOLE. How do they sleep at night.
I find this so incredibly hard to watch!
Watching this is making me feel sick and very sad
I lost my wonderful husband 7 months ago
He had dementia and I had looked after him for 7yrs
It was hard work and gets harder as the dementia worsens
Sadly as he got worse he only had an understanding connection with myself
An incident like this will only of made this man's condition worse and there is sadly no coming back from it
This is a terrible decease
The pain and heartbreak when someone who has been a hardworking upstanding kind person suddenly doesn't understand much
My poor husband would of been so embarrassed had he known what was happening to him
I hope these tyrant officers never ever have to face this dicease
Weather that's themselves or a loved one but if it happens I hope they get more kindness and understanding than they gave to this poor man
I just don't understand why someone so loving and full of kindness for everyone should be taken in this way
Yet you have pig ignorant people like these officers here on earth
What makes them so damn nasty
I would love to meet the people who train these officers
The police need better training all around and kinda people doing this work
Then maybe the respect will come
I'm sorry to rant on but I'm still grieving and so cross with the world
Not just because my husband is gone but because he must of been the kindest person in this world
Time to investigate all arrest records of this department.
this is outrageous from start to finish even the jailer treated him like garbage, what a bunch of degenerate sociopaths. These "people" are all so cruel, rude, and lack humanity. I don't know where that "nurse" went to nursing school but her license should be revoked. wtf Somehow a cop turns "he hasn't stolen anything" into "sounds like enough for shoplifting to me". These cops are still proud of what they did. Let that sink in. Everyone abused this man without any show of care or compassion or humanity
Just put that idiot tyrant Godby in jail.
This is a GREAT idea to have dementia patients register that with the local PD. It would help so many of these poor guys. My husband had dementia as a result of Agent Orange and committed suicide last year. He was 77 years old. That woman is a saint and a modern day hero for sticking with him. God bless them both. We need to make more help available for people struggling with these issues and open new humane and inexpensive long term treatment centers for these people so they don't get crumpled up like this.
Maybe they can still lie their way outta-this'un
Seems like they'll try
American police are trash
None of your cops are employable outside of your country
Like your politicians
Discusting excuses of human beings
I'd like to see the store footage of Walmart telling his wife they called the cops and they slung him the back of 'cart' with handcuffs on rather than find out what he actually had done.
I have difficulties giving credibility to a 'nurse', ie a person having a job related to health and medical condition, being grossly overweight herself. Same goes for the other guy: grossly overweight. America you have a serious problem.
Ow its hurtin me gosh darn. I DONT GIVE A FUCK SHUT YOUR MOUTH… absolute animals,
I bet she won't leave him alone in the store anymore!
this exposes the common behaviour of Police forces, legally aloud to lie, acts like thugs and have a stinking attitude towards people in general
Skip internal and state investigation. This thoroughly corrupt PD should get a full FBI and DOJ rectal exam!!!!
But yet Casey's general store that I worked at actually caught employees stealing beer & cigarettes & NO ONE WAS FIRED…NOR HAD TO PAY BACK THE LOSS OF 600$ WORTH OF PRODUCT. 🤦♀️
It seems like the criminal mindset is flourishing outside the jail, not inside. Evil…gee why did most of America want to ELIMINATE the police a few years ago?
Does anyone know or even care about WHY lying is bad? As a public service, I'll give you the way-too-long refresher that Mom and Dad or Grandpa was supposed to pound into you;
IF you are found to be a liar, basically no one can trust you, ie. you quickly become untrustworthy in the eyes of family, friends and coworkers. Chronic liars who are disconnected and don't realize most people are on to their BS are seen as two-faced behind their backs and more than likely will be shunned or labeled to a degree by others. Talk about making life unnecessarily difficult. So check off the self-alienation box.
No one wants to be around someone who is untrustworthy, and any reasonably intelligent person with a moral compass can often instantly tell when someone is a liar, and you can bet they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on…
The reason liars are so obvious is because lies are hard to keep straight. They take a lot of extra mental energies that you have to juggle, but some liars are also good actors so it takes a while to figure out they suck.
Some liars gather in gangs (Law Enforcement, for instance) where they lie about everything that benefits their collective bottom line under the guise of being an officially moral person because they took an oath… which they break constantly.
Lies ALWAYS eventually come to light, so there's NO escaping them. Those who lie WILL absolutely be caught in their own lies and WILL be faced with paying for them. In extreme cases, it's jail time or even suicide. In lighter cases, it's a "My Name Is Earl" (the tv show) kind of thing and they feel the need to apologize to everyone that had to endure their BS.
Sometimes a liar will wake up and realize how pointless lying is and change their ways right then, right there. Unfortunately, the damage is way done, so that person has a tough road ahead.
There ya go, feel free to add. There's LOTS more to talk about.
Police are a necessary evil unfortunately. What's worse however, is that the very nature of the job attracts bullies and sociopaths, who revel in the power their uniform gives them. This doesn't excuse the lies and deceptions that many officers tell on their reports. One doesn't need to be a sociopath to lie. One simply needs to be a bad apple.
There ought to be dire consequences for "throwing people at the wall", as I outline beneath!
The fact that there is a saying "You can beat the wrap but not the ride" and "The process is the punishment" is a problem. It should be a society where there are no such concepts but only using police/state powers in pursuit of actual crimes and when the state truly believes they are warranted.
The core issue is that all the law is based on the reasonableness standard but they never hire ANY reasonable officers, so what does it matter if a reasonable officer would have percieved this or that when there are no reasonable officers in the gang?
QI must go.
Shopping for warrants in neighboring counties must go.
Judges shouldn't have absolute immunity but rather degraded to QI.
I think that Dismissal of Trials should be illegal and revomed as a concept. If arrests are made or tickets issued it should be a right, amended to the constitution, that you can DEMAND a trial and sentence is mandatory and forced upon the losing party. Together with the abolishment of QI and Blueline-gang-members FORCED to go to trial and risk being given sentences for their arrests will make the plague of domestic terrorists stop their behavior immediately! With judges degraded to QI we can establish patterns and they can be prosecuted as well if they repeatedly judge in direct contradiction to judgments that are nearly identical in circumstances to what the supreme court have ruled. Just like QI is for police officers atm, except that they all think that the constitution isn't CLEARLY established yet….
If there is in any way a settlement (even though there wouldn't be many if trials were mandatory) it should come from police pension funds – and btw mandatory trials will force justice in the sense that the state knows they can use your money (tax dollars) to fight you so you are triple hit. They use your money to pay themselves, to fight you in court and use your money to pay the victims of their crime as the system is designed atm.
Mandatory trials would also remove about 95% of the expenses that are taxed (I mean stolen) from you since there wouldn't be many malicious or lengthy trials anymore where they use your money to pay lawyers.
End internal investigations and force all body camera footage to be uploaded to a centraly owned and controlled entity where you can FOIA it from them so the local gangs don't intimidate you or "Accidentally loose" the footage.
No mutes should be allowed unless they are using the toilet, and should be a fireable offence W/O any question or trying to get around that, and if they do it should give an automatic loss in the previously described mandatory trials.
If the officers in the field utilize every single available option and do a real effort to investigate (when no exigent circumstance or actual danger to their lives exist) like calling the DA hotline, their superior or even their chief if they are really unsure, then the ordinary police officer has nothing to fear in the upcomming trial should they arrest someone because now they can just point to to the fact that all others up the chain of command (with more responsibility) asked them to make the arrest.
If there is a serious risk of bodily harm or exigent circumstances they won't have anything to fear either as that can be shown in court and they will win the case.
Holding someone to a HIGHER standard would in my mind mean that their sentences for violating your rights shouldn't be the same length or shorter than what the 2nd tier citizens ordinarily receive but rather as high or higher to ensure only people of sound moral character apply to the force.
the sad thing is alot of policemen around the world are going to see this and they're going to copy this behaviour because most countries thinks that America is the country to copy things. The u.k police are already starting to act more and more like the American police looking like action man.
This is so f-ed up, it boils my blood. All of this makes me sick.
Boy these are some dumb human beings(not the victim)
Its a fact that authority is given & it corrupts 95% of them.