35 thoughts on “Deputy Fails Citizen Pays”

  1. The police should be required to reimburse the legal fees. They make these stops knowing full well they are wrong but.are betting that the majoroty of people cannot afford to figgt their tyrannical illegal actions. And when it is found out, it was all a lie, they suffer zero penalties. 😢

  2. End Law Enforcement immunity and witness this behavior disappear overnight. The Alphabet gang needs to be Reformed, and cities or towns should no longer receive revenue from traffic violations!

  3. When a ticket is dismissed the cost accrued to you should have to be paid back you by the officer who stopped you cops lie and do not know the laws. You don't have to give any information to a cop they are not your friend and could care less about you. They are revenue generating pigs.

  4. Dumbass should have said I have dashcam proof that I didn't run it. Look you can recite all the reasons to stay silent…etc. But you also lose out and no one pays for your time, etc. He should have just showed the officer the video.

  5. Running a stop sign is a civil citation not criminal…if he thinks he was innocent he could have gave the officer his phone number and fought it in court otherwise pay the fine and be done…there was nothing criminal about the citation was a was of time to spend a year trying to fight a civil citation….

  6. Why the system needs for you to be in court:

    The ones that suffer are us. Everyone at court is paid to be there but you, even the cops. They are paid to lie and are typically believed by the establishment because they are an intrinsic part of the establishment system. The police bring in tens of thousands of new customers to the system each month and the establishment needs the police to keep the system of lawyers, police officers, prison guards and probation officers lubricated and flushed with taxpayer cash. If the establishment wanted law enforcement officers they would hire lawyers or at a minimum require a law degree as a term of employment, but because they don't instead we are offered order followers.

  7. Every car should have cameras….just to stop the "COP CULTURE". police academy 101…its police and the community….not…policing the community! IM a former cop….F**k the tyrants. STUPID AND SELFISH UNTIL IT HAPENS TO THEM.

  8. That's when you go and you find a different lawyer on your side you hire them you pay them to recover their own fees plus the fees lost in the lawyer's fees plus quadruple that for the damages and the time spent under pain and suffering

  9. I Remember We Used To Police Out Own Communities & Only Those In Bad Culture Caused Any Issues. We Never Needed Police Then, We Still Hardly Need Them Now. They Are Not There To Protect & Serve The Public, They Always Are There To Support Their Blue Line Gang & Manipulate Laws In Their Favor For Profit. Never Talk To Cops!

  10. That’s why you file illegal detainment and malicious prosecution lawsuit to get back your money. Just don’t settle. Let the jury award you and get attorney’s fees on top of the award. If you settle they will add clauses like “they admit to no wrongdoing” and non-disclosure clauses so they get to hide how much this costs the taxpayers. Plus YOU will be responsible for the attorney’s fees. The more they can hide the longer they can get away with it.

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