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OMFG, ALL Y'ALL SAY THE SAME STUPID THING!! IT IS NOT R.A.S. AND THAT IS IT!!, IT IS R.A.S.O.A.C., Y'ALL ALWAYS MISS THE LAST PART< Reasonable, Articulable, Suspicion OF A CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not and, "ANY"*
"Your Not Break and Crime", WTF!!!???
" I didnt have to come to You, and You were way across there, Get yo ass out that car and come see and do yo job is what He said!!!!
Anyone notice that when Ole Al Baby named off all the people that this would effect, HE DID NOT MENTION WHITE PEOPLE!!! So For That, F ole al baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not His Licenses
40:48 THAT IS NOT HIS KEYS THE POS police TOOK HIS KEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I deal with auburn police almost everyday they suck at their jobs
We dont stop!!!
100% of POS police are just that a POS PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Clairol cop says maybe its mabeline!
he said you put your hands up for me to come over there and i didn't need to come to you get yo ass out the car and come to me and do your job
There's even a sign posted in Newton County sheriff's office that there's no recording. Missouri and Arkansas have some shady coppers.
I disagree for the DOJ halt why because its only halted for his nominee because of the fucked up things they have been doing to people now if he does this for any other reason we will know and find out
2:44:13 this is the problem with a mass in America society— the norm is “call the cops”…
The system also has created the new generations to live within a police controlled environment- all the schools throughout have coppers— and the cops control their environment!!
Comply- conform— to the police has become the norm—
And most schools have eliminated civic classes—
Think about the real motive of why they eliminated the “pledge of allegiance to the flag!!”
There shall be no patriotism within!! No understanding of history- rights of the people!!
The system doesn’t want civil rights- patriotism- religion in the schools— intent with motive here-
To create a society- generations- with no religion- no ethics- morals— no knowledge of rights—
Today’s report:
The Oklahoma Supreme Court confirmed a lawsuit was filed on Thursday by more than 30 individuals, including parents and church leaders against State
Supt. Ryan Walters to halt his bible mandate.
The woman behind this fight in an interview gaslights the public- saying that thousands of taxpayers don’t want to spend money on Bibles—
Yet they argue and allow books that are paid by the taxpayers who DO NOT want these books available to their children- that have sexual and gender content!!!
Freedom has run out of options. 😎
What a wahoo with the Yahoo police department!!
A display of – Sargent with ignorance- delusional with power- the other ponytailer- in another realm- dumbfounded- ignorant- focused on herself-
Both Ponytailers need basic grammar and civil rights classes…
2:33:58 and there they go— most likely a couple— running rogue- a polarized delusional mindset- wahoo partners in blue at the Yahoo PD..
2:29:30 prior to this timestamp- the guy did tell the Sargent- he was exercising his constitutional rights to film ..
Her response- she didn’t understand what he was talking about— she said something like (what is that..) he tells her- (your a Sargent and don’t know- …)
Here’s another example- there’s a mass of people and the coppers don’t understand the meaning of (constitution- nor 1A rights!)…
1:55:05 what apology!! What about consequences- charges for the detectives and whoever else was involved!!! You want a “sorry!”
This is another problem with these defense attorneys- they go for the money and don’t push for consequences against the officers- detectives- etc !!
1:55:39 Her Psychological damages are understandable- the so called state media reporter and her attorneys— no mention of any consequences of the detectives- there’s no emphasis on the malicious- acts of the detectives!!
Love you chille. Like I said doing gods work
Jack boot thug pig.🇵🇷🦅🇺🇲
On another similar case: 1:35:31
liescoverups- evidence tampering- manipulation of investigation- collusion with officers involved and their friends – and family..and more ..To protect the officers involved—
Karen Read is accused of hitting her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe, with an SUV and leaving him to die in a snowstorm in 2022..
The case has garnered international attention as Read claims she was framed for the murder, detailing an orchestrated cover up allegedly involving police, emergency workers and her deceased boyfriend’s friends.
Evidence shows:
The Massachusetts State Police of manufacturing evidence in the investigation. It's further alleged that the lead investigator, Trooper Michael Proctor, had a conflict of interest due to his family's relationship with some of the prosecution's witnesses.
During the trial- any reasonable person can conclude the many States personal (officers – detectives- etc. ) along with their family and friends who also are states witnesses- manipulated- lied during testimony…
Hey My Man I got all the stuff you just replaced for me Thanks Brother, it's ya Pal .. Jeff
Police fall under the Parentheses of a: "Systemic Rogue Structured Policing" conduct where they have become the criminal ultimately against the citizens while physically assaulting people, lying on reports, falce charging, not upholding the Constitution, violating the laws, and even murder that has been going on for decades..
There superiors are also an exccessary to the crimes of their fellow lower ranked officers who do not charge or discipline them giving their officers the green light to violate law binding citizens & the Constitution simultaneously..
This is exactly why we see the corrupted criminal cop continuum under their parentheses of their: "Systemic Rogue Structured Policing" conduct still free flowing without any accountability, correction, forced anger management, and unequivocal charges from their crimes against the citizens..
Until then and only then America's police will always roll under their notorious Rogue Structing Policing over the people ironically enough with them violating the laws and becoming the criminal..