He Runs Away and Survives (but then encounters a police officer)

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50 thoughts on “He Runs Away and Survives (but then encounters a police officer)”

  1. 16 year old Konoa Wilson ran for his life after being suddenly shot at by another teenager at the Sante Fe Train Depot in San Diego, California. Police officers were nearby – on the other side of the building – when the shots rang out. The teenager narrowly survived being shot by the other teenager, but as he fled through a corridor, he had no idea that in moments, he would encounter a police officer who would end his life.

  2. If this officer was to ANNOUNCE HIS PRESENCE, this teenager probably would have stopped and explained everything, but that never happened . This teen was running away to save his life from a person with a gun who probably tried to shoot him to find another armed person (police) fatally shot him, WOW. So I hope the family finds justice for what just occured and may this teen rest in peace. And again, when stories like this happen and citizens explain they are in fear of Police Officers because of these shootings, they say, they don't need to worry, you are safe…but I would still worry somewhat cause of incidents like this and to just be calm with officers so that nothing aggressive happens when you encounter one of them. Plus I am glad for this body cam footage because without it, they may say he was running with it and this officer did what he did…

  3. They are trained to get home to family at ALL COSTS. They prefer to make a mistake 99% of the time because the system protects them. Even without immunity they do minimum easy time with all benefits. THAT YOU (including victims families) PAY FOR.

  4. Sad this kid had his whole life ahead of him and was robbed of it. Here where I live a 16 year old can legally purchase a gun for hunting and regardless the cop this kid having a pistol is irrelevant. Cop needs to be held liable

  5. Clearly, the Officer F'd up by the numbers.
    But Nate, other than for thug related purposes, what possible reason could exist for a 16 year old to "need" to be packing a gun?
    Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  6. Strange that the teenager had a gun & was if in fear of his life but never thought to use it in self defence. Was it proved the gun belonged to the victim – planted?

  7. As a former Police Officer, this is clearly an unauthorized situation of deadly force, there was no thread to the officers life at the time of the shooting. The officer did not have any knowledge of a weapon on the kid. The officer was just scared. He should get charged and fired.

  8. It was planted we all know it. This bullshit Officer Safety is out of hand. Cops react with Officer Safety about everything. You are standing back 30 feet with a cell phone hand and the cop walks up and arrest you because it's Officer Safety or he does worse. Just released was a video of car parked with people talking inside. Cop pulls up the owner hands over the documents. A young man in the back is video recording the goes insane smashes the window pulls him out and violates the man under Officer Safety. Ask the DA that held the Deputy accountable in Florida for planting evidence in innocent citizens car. She was ran out of her work place by other DA'S and Cop's.

  9. This was either a tragic heat of the moment error for which the cop is genuinely remorseful over or another whitewash of an unsuitable person with more power than he should ever have been given. Was there continuous body cam footage that showed that the gun found was not planted?

  10. It will never end because Americans live in a constant state of Fear and…they have Guns. Frightened people, including the Police, will shoot first and think later. Simple.

  11. Now this is tinfoil hat paranoia speaking, but we know in the past that cops are not above planting evidence, such as guns, on people after they've shot or beaten someone. I cannot personally rule that possibility out, that it was planted and 'recovered' after the fact to cover the officer's anal region. But take all this with a grain of salt cause obviously I wasn't there, and all we have is the footage presented.

  12. Americans can t wait, they love shoot and kill, it s a cultural factor to those poor fools. They always shoot, freedom bullets in their home democrats rockets in other countries

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