Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Do you hear a loud party officer
What's the difference between other countries and the US…..other countries came into existence because they are people of the same TRIBE, and the US is a CORPORATION whose citizens are corporate assets, that are bought and sold on the open market, you're not a citizen, you're an asset, by any other name, a slave, but hold on to your ignorance and RACISM
If we were truly innocent until proven guilty, we wouldn't spend a day in Jail, until the court finds you guilty.
THEY HAD THE WRONG HOUSE?! they should pay his arrest fees total bs for THEIR MISTAKE! T____T stupid oinks
When incompetents are hired this is what they get. First investigate a loud party, don’t find one… look for one. Some elementary investigative would determine they are at the wrong home. They aren’t hired to think, they are hired to go hands on, arrest, CYA, and as a last resort investigate.
So, the police are looking for a loud party? They should try listening for a loud party. Maybe they would realize it's across the street. Noise complaints get police response to a quiet house. ???
Zero common sense
How DUMB do you have to be
What’s wrong with DOGE they can’t see the problem here
👉 F T P 🤬
2 days for what?
Another wrong address. Do we need to hire people to help them find addresses. People do home invasions and say Police/Sheriff's office.
This is one of the reasons this country is turning into a 💩 show. It's disgusting, sad, and criminal. 😢
I hate cops
Omg how F*cked up that these idiots show up with guns drawn to loud music WTF 🤬
Complete bs from porky
Yeah ok. Cops need to pint guns at people for a “loud noise”!?!?
NO. Cops WANT to do this crap to people to satisfy their disgusting egos of feeling all powerful to humiliate and incarnate people for nothing more than a cops feelings !
So like always they “got a call” so they literally just pick someone randomly and persecute them blindly with horrific actions like they’ve shown in this video !
We are DONE with cops treating us like garbage and abusing that cheap piece of tinfoil on their chest called a badge !
Thankfully the guy wasn't black or the cops probably would have shot him
EGO policing at its finest.
Seems like America is having a DEI problem in law enforcement
I counted three steps, apparently in the wnba traveling is the norm because I have seen this happen all the time!!!!!!!!!
Police brutality is domestic terrorism
Police make everything worse in this country.They do not help anything
These are the evil men and women, the tyrants, that our Founding Fathers warned us of, and the reason we have a 2nd Amendment.
I hope he got paid for the BS.
What were the charges
So stupid cops can’t hear the party across the street??? They don’t care who they handcuff as long as they get their fix! We need to put a stop to this! Idiots!
Dumb Asses huh. THEY can't even listen 😅😂
These kkkops are out of control
Not smart enough to figure out the quiet house was not the home in question?
WTF? 🐑💨🤡🌏
Cops!!!! YOURE IDIOTS!! You’re not above the law!!! You’re stupid’!!!!!
One hell of a payday
The cops DGAF if they get the right house or the WRONG house.
As long as they get a house.
when tyrants show up to your house without a warrant for no crime you give them the Second Amendment and nothing else
Stop the thugs
Sue the city into bankruptcy!