1. Typical coward with a dash of racism an absolutely no regard for human life self gratification and to show his other buddies how tough he is everyone needs to be fired the boys did not run and obviously they did not break a law stop the s*** out of the first then ask questions that's how you earn Community respect👎

  2. Get use to it. It's the new America. You all had the right to vote for someone that don't allow this crap. But what did you do. You set your lazy butt at the house. Instead of going to the voting box. Now you want to cry about it. It's everyone fault for not voting a good sheriff in. Cops don't do nothing but steel from us, treat us like we are in Nazi Germany. You ask for this so get use to it. Or go vote.

  3. Hundreds of thousands of cops did not do this. But we can provide statistics of hundreds of thousands of felonies committed by US citizens in the last hour. Do we say you are as responsible for everyone’s crimes as well.

  4. Hundreds of thousands of cops did not do this. But we can provide statistics of hundreds of thousands of felonies committed by US citizens in the last hour. Do we say you are as responsible for everyone’s crimes as well.

  5. This is why America needs to remember that it has a second amendment. An armed populous is the only thing that’s going to cut back on like this, because an armed society is a polite society, so long as people aren’t afraid to use the constitutional protections they were given.

  6. Cops don't become Psychopaths.. Psychopaths become COPS

    Cops don't need immunity, they need accountability..

    Revoke Qualified Immunity NOW

    WE the People no longer Trust or Back Law Enforcement

    Make no mistake.. I do NOT want to Defund the POLICE.. I WANT Better Trained Constitutionally Literate PEACE OFFICERS…

    Sadly law enforcement is the Bastion of WifeBeaters and EgoDriven assholes.. Its all about POWER, it a Drug…

  7. No estoi de acuerdo con el abuso pero ya Los delinquentes y nose este caso. Si sea culpable. O NO pero cuando un delincuente golpea roba o assesina a alguien no veo marchas en contra de la delincuencia ya estan Asta dejandolos salir al dia siguiente…Como si nada. Osea esta mal la brutalidad policiaca y tambien esta mal es sistema judicial dejar delincuentes en Las calles

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