33 thoughts on “It Works! It Freakin Works! #DUI Checkpoint”

  1. You're a wannabe lawyer trying to sell products to prey on the stupid and the ignorant.

    Tell me…..what if a drunk had the wherewithal to use your money grabbing product and killed someone because a they followed your garbage advice? I'll tell you what, I hope someone sues you for everything you have.

  2. Is this the kind of idiot who, when a DRUNK DRIVER hits and kills an innocent person, immediately comes out to ask why police did not stop the drunk driver??? Let me guess, it is!! Get a real job, you fool!

  3. Cool…. so when families get scrapped off the ground for getting killed by drunk drivers, we can thank god we have our 5th amendment rights…. thats how its done huh๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•

  4. The only reason you got through is cuz your fellow pig and a piece of paper is not going to stop an ordinary citizen from getting shot by a fucking cop's gun cuz papers don't stop bullets

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