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Share the footage of this officer as soon as possible before he pops up somewhere else. There should be no excuse for any new department to claim they didn't know.
DETAILS/Full Lawsuits:
Media Report referenced in the video:
He should be stripped of police powers, and never be in law enforcement again.
He "BROKE" into that house and should be treated the same.
Just another day at the office for this asshole
These are the cops being hired thugs.
he now works in a town near you.
Gypsy cops take their nasty attitude on the road.
Earning the hate every day
Bunch of bullies but gee judge, you're appalled? We've gotten accustomed to seeing it. Must not happen in her comfortable life and it's not a feature in cat videos
I would have instantly granted the home owner a permanent restraining order against that officer, and if the officer's lawyer didn't like it I'd say "Shut your damn mouth before I have the bailiff shut it for you!"
It’s great that the judge said mean words to that officer, but where are any charges.
What a loser
This judge needs to see more videos. She will be shocked and appalled at how many cops do this!
He needs to lose his certification
I never seen a video like that. Judge never watched youtube.
What is cops name and location?
When a cop been too court the judge put on them ID with the Judges finding not to be re- employed in police force agency any state of USA.
Makes you wonder how many times these things happen when there are no cameras.
Cities or towns don't care about your civil rights until they get sued for poor policing!!!
Need to revoke his credentials
He doesn't even look like a cop, dressed in jeans & a t-shirt
More judges like the first would make a difference….
What is the relevant case law on this? That even on a welfare check, where they may even be probable cause, without a warrant or exigent circumstances if the woman tells the cop to leave and he doesn’t it’s a fourth amendment violation? I know there’s Payton v NY and Welsh v Wisconsin but does anyone know good case law either SCOTUS or second circuit related to this exact scenario pursuant to a welfare check?
This is usual Police Behavior
And can I sue a lawyer after taking ,11 thousand dollars and screwed me over
What if that happened to me in west Virginia in jackson county
I can’t understand why something this egregious wasn’t prosecuted. I know cops get a pass frequently, but there has to be a point where the prosecutor can’t let it go.
This judge needs to watch YouTube, she will see lots of cops doing this.
He’ll pop up at another precinct or in prison. Those sociopaths can’t function in any other industry in society.
If this guy lives in your neighborhood? Make sure he can't show his fkn face!!! He's a fkn tyrant!!
Judge claims she's never seen a video like that. Just another example of why judges and pigs will be replaced by robots and the public will cheer.
Why America prides itself on its freedoms and yet you have so many people within America who are willing to deny others of those freedoms? It's the weirdest thing.
What the hell is he holding in his left hand it looks like a knife? Short little insecure piece of sh—
Breaking and entering and somehow he gets to continue working as a cop? He should go to jail.
Cops spread hate!
One day this so-called officer is going to get his ass handed to him and it's going to hurt .
This guy is a criminal protect yourself from this guy who is trying to keep a police officer job to break the law
That judge says that she never saw a video like that. I guess she doesn't watch many videos
So why didn't the Judge refer this to the prosecutor to investigate this officer and take his certification away??
Why no criminal charges for the "officer" forcing his way illegally into a home while armed… Sounds like a crime to me
Whose footage is this?
Why was the cop so concerned about that woman's daughter? He gave me peedo vibes for sure.
The judge should watch more videos on your channel
He’s a THUG! Depts like this kind of THUG!