Well nobody's flawless what do you know pig York Police department is. G would you ever think that cop don't know anyting they don't care about anything except for lying stealing threatening beating and killing . No never happened real good people.
Well when your buddies investigate your criminal activities there's a tendency to overlook certain things, that's why filming cops is detrimental to police departments, they hate cameras that they cannot edit.
A cop's life is 1 million times more valuable than yours in their View and they can kill you and get away with it without consequences and they know it there is no accountability and you unleash these guys with these terrible tempers mixed with arrogance and Power and tweek Ego's!without any self-control or accountability.. there out there to hurt you man! you American citizens . road Pirates! now if you're a good cop then stand back, but if you are good cop then you would have turned in the other ones by now? including your crooked judges and lawyers
Aloha unfortunately I was a witness to a fatal police shooting here in maui. My daughter was 2 years old and in my arms. Needless to say I have extremely bad ptsd.
Correction; 100% of the people needed to stand up against these tyrant's haven't!! They're chasing the privilege cheese and forfeiting there rights………to live Btw great job
The secret to being flawless is investigating yourself.

Well nobody's flawless what do you know pig York Police department is.
G would you ever think that cop don't know anyting they don't care about anything except for lying stealing threatening beating and killing .
No never happened real good people.
Sounds like a protected department to me
Well when your buddies investigate your criminal activities there's a tendency to overlook certain things, that's why filming cops is detrimental to police departments, they hate cameras that they cannot edit.
Cops, judges, lawyers, attorneys, clerks all look out for each other. Laws only apply to us.
When marvel comics wanted to end their " Omega the unknown " series, they had the superhero come to vegas where he was shot in the back by Metro.
You hit this every time on the head
A cop's life is 1 million times more valuable than yours in their View and they can kill you and get away with it without consequences and they know it there is no accountability and you unleash these guys with these terrible tempers mixed with arrogance and Power and tweek Ego's!without any self-control or accountability.. there out there to hurt you man! you American citizens . road Pirates! now if you're a good cop then stand back, but if you are good cop then you would have turned in the other ones by now? including your crooked judges and lawyers
Nobody alive is flawless
he a damn lier
These cubs are killing more people than coronavirus
Well nice to see an EGO driven profession with EGO centric men and women admit no one is flawless! Now that's a first!
Gang members, displaying gang colours. State sanctioned criminals.
The reality is cops sign up to kill. Physcos at the end of the day. Scarry truth!
It would be illegal for them to admit that they have a murder quota
Yes lying and being a Nazi is one good way pretending you're flawless
The cops don't make mistakes. The cops are the mistakes.
Unsolved murders have a %to the cops cover story
At least the cops clearly understood that some cops have killed people who where innocent.
I doubt this cop would even answer, "what's your name & badge number?"
A turd of a police agency, just like.all the rest!
Aloha unfortunately I was a witness to a fatal police shooting here in maui. My daughter was 2 years old and in my arms. Needless to say I have extremely bad ptsd.
What that tells me is the entire LVMPD is CORRUPT.
America supports killing black folks
Never prosecuted… doesn't mean never done or never witnessed, it just means accountability is weak and corruption is high
No one is flawless
50 / 50
we have found the enemy and it ain't us.
Wish they could start now.
Correction; 100% of the people needed to stand up against these tyrant's haven't!! They're chasing the privilege cheese and forfeiting there rights………to live
Btw great job 
Zero respect for cops zero
That's the problem there flawless and that's the problem no human is flawless but they say they are.
They violate laws daily so why would it be different for them to shoot an innocent person.
I lived in Vegas for 10 years. 1/3 of the sales tax collected from local consumers, by the city, goes to pay ALL their lawsuits.
Killer pigs gonna learn
Do you ever think the person deserves it?
Well, They do get to investigate themselves,… so
I think we the public needs the same priviledge. If i get pulled over for dui ill just give myself the test,declare i passed, and be on my way.
He looks like a kid who doesn't want to tell his mother the truth.