Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
If they’ll let you leave. Leave. If you see lights flashing, turn the opposite direction no matter what you’re doing and don’t look back. Don’t be curious, don’t hang around, don’t ask questions about what’s going on. Do all that and you can still get wrapped up in the system. Once in, never out.
Yes I agree de-escalate and get the hell out of Dodge and pick your fights in a strategic way Don't allow yourself to go through this process unnecessarily sometimes they come at you and it's ridiculous the amount of injustice but if you're really smart you know how to pick and strategically stand on your hill unfortunately sometimes all the cards are stacked against you and things go down that no one wants to go down except for the egotistical megalomaniacs and narcissistic psychopathic want to choose this job to have domination over whoever that they encounter just saying
Upstate Audits
This is my friend Daniel from Schenectady NY
Otvo c4c
That office is FULL of cameras! 100%
Look at the tall dork employee with is communist stupid face
Judges, da's and cops are systematically waging war on Americans!
He has a law suit
That's not his problem they don't wnat to work!! What a bunch communist employees! Shame on all city non workers!! Your bums!! Sucking off the government tit!!
Take a guess what the long game for these cops right now? They are being told to violate people's rights to see how far this push us!??!?! What do you think is going to happen when that day comes?
This is a lawsuit
It seems only if you are willing to passively resist will you then be able to have a claim for damages.
My whole point is – you are filming. You have everything on video.
Fight it out in court not in public. You won't win in this situation but if you post it or sue you might just win there.
Never fight a cop. Just do what they say. It's what a court is for.
Takes more than twice the hours of training to become a barber, than it does to become a pig in😮 uniform!! Let that sink on you for a little bit!🤔
Any crazy person can become a pig in uniform. Not everyone can be a professional barber.
"Jackboot thug pigs aren't there to enforce the laws they dont know, nor respect. Jackboot thug pigs are there to commit crimes, abuse' their power and masturbate their snowflake egos." What is really pathetic is that YouTube💩 simps previously blocked my observation, gee I wonder why?
Copper don't have a fucking idea what the law is
Our founders told us again and again that you can't comply to illegitimate government. They warned you about the precedent that power always used to further the repression. If you don't get arrested today for not complying, then tomorrow they will use your compliance as proof that they can take more rights. We all need to be trying to get arrested every day. Never comply.
This whole country is fubar
«unfortunately, it’s his 1st amendment right” yeah I bet when the judge sees that, case is dismissed and a lawsuit is filed and won
United and corrupt states of America
Just because they stop there duties because they don't like something doesn't mean it interference 😅 sorry baby workers.
So let them arrest you, film it, and then take it to court. Be sure to get the cops face and name and bring it before a judge. If you walk away and let them get away with violating your rights they will continue to do it
Just means you can sue now.
I definitely want some of your pamphlets that you give to cops. How much do you charge? I want atleast 4 of them.
It was worth it to him for lawsuit
Doesn't the lawsuit money go up though ?
Torture cuffs are always torture💯
UNFORTUNATELY its his 1st ammendment right. Tells you everything right there
It adds damages to the suit. Can take it up a zero or two.
If you don’t get arrested ,what’s the point, keep your paper work that shows your charges, so a lying C.O doesn’t spread lies to your fellow inmates. Lawyer up.
Also he was arrested because he's a person of color he's not white.
Enjoy the lawsuit
And they not doing their duties
Just letting you know they own you
Y'all hear that?
"Unfortunately that's his right "
They do not care about our rights.
Everything scares them and they're feelings enforcement.
They don't respect their oath to the Constitution.
Shamelessly serving the public.
Who’s interfering????? The public employees that “I” am paying their salaries!!!! Cop you’re off your rocker! The Supervisor needs to grow a …… and tell his employees to get BACK TO WORK!!!! Shame on you cop! It is NOT this man’s fault! Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
That cop signed up to join the death star. THERE ARE NO GOOD APPLES.
Leave? That's a 2nd amendment situation
Cops are corrupt CUCKS!! FTP! STIP PAYING TAXES!!
IF THEY ARREST YOU, THE LAWSUIT QUADUPLES. Unlawful arrest is a massive crime against our rights. Make them arrest you. GET MILLIONS. Seriously. Government is a massive parasite to society. WE DONT NEED THEM!
Commie Stormtroopers have no place in our Constitutional Republic! ✅️💯🇺🇲
Were those cops federal? If not they broke alot of laws especially being armed
Those employees need to be educated on our rights
What ignorant boot lickers fail to comprehend is that cops are public servants that gain all of their power and authority from their registered "Oath of Office". It's not a joke that they can violate at their emotional wims, but a sacred oath and duty to PROTECT for all citizens. Unless an American citizen is committing a violent crime, talking as all that is required, unfortunately 90% of cops do not have the brain capacity to use basic logic and deductive reasoning. It's the blatant disregard for deductive reasoning and logic when cops go hands on and literally brutalize innocent citizens based on cops highly inflated egos. This is precisely what is going to backfire on Ocifer's Safety in a way and manner that will give We the People no damn choice but to follow our God-given duty as instructed in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. Yes, this sacred document was a "Letter of Presentment" directed to the greatest and most powerful empire in world history. Keep in mind that it was ONLY about three percent (3%) of the residents that engaged in a sacred duty to form the greatest nation on 🌎. Many spilled their blood on this hollowed land during the Revolutionary War. This is at the boiling point as long as law enforcement continues on a violent and destructive path (on families) cops will over whelmed by a thousand to one (1,000/1) in a state of affairs wherein We the People possess NO JAIL CELLS for P.O.W.s to hold in awaiting righteous tribunals, so if y'all fail to comprehend that FACT, you've rightfully earned something to which there is NO salvation and laws. If the Constitution and Bill of Rights are trodden under by tyrannical monsters (under the color of law) there is NO LAW. Not likely to be a very pretty sight but an exquisitely horrific sight. Choose you this day, whom you shall serve, God or Maygog! I choose God, Jesus Christ the eternal God and Messiah, not Satan.